Tin Toy
Tin Toy
G | 01 August 1988 (USA)

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Babies are hardly monster-like, unless you're a toy. After escaping a drooling baby, Tinny realizes that he wants to be played with after all. But in the amount of time it takes him to discover this, the baby's attention moves on to other things only an infant could find interesting.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Griff Lees Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Gordon-11 This animated short is about the constantly changing interaction between a toy marching band figure and a baby.The story is simple but engaging. The marching figure has a mind of its own, first avoiding the terrible baby who terrorises toys (and even the boxes of the toys). When the baby cries, the marching figure decides that he has sympathy and compassion, and bravely goes back out to cheer the baby up. I got alarmed when the baby puts a bag on his head, and I was lifted up by the bravery of the marching figure.The animation looks sub standard in modern day standards, but when I look back twenty years ago, the 2D animations I watched when I was a child were nowhere as good as this.
ccthemovieman-1 I still think cartoons, or "animated short features" as some call them, should be funny, unless you know in advance you are going to get a "message," such as moral one or a politically- slanted oneI say that because many of these modern-day cartoons seem to be concerned with showing how clever they can be instead just plain "yuks," if you will. I am not knocking this particular effort: it's certainly different, but it wasn't that funny. If anything, at times, it was almost scary, at least if you sat and openly rooted for the little toy soldier which, I presume, we all did. It certainly showed how little babies, in their youthful ignorance, can be a little too rough with things. Ask your little dog or cat, if you have any doubts. What was very well done to me were the camera angles and facial expressions that made this little baby almost look like a terrifying Godzilla-like monster. I guess he would look like that if you were a little toy and were human. Babies can play rough! I don't know if we needed a "cartoon," however, to illustrate that fact. All of us already know that, don't we?Yes, this was "clever," but give me Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Felix The Cat or Pink Panther cartoon any day, something that will make me laugh out loud. Save the "executed brilliantly" and "gives us a wide range of emotions" movies to the feature films.
cpatrun Hi,For those of you wondering about the music at the beginning of "Tin Toy",I believe it is Captain Kangaroo's theme music, also known as Puffin' Billy" by Edward White. It was originally written about a British steam engine. With the lyrics added in 1957 by Mary Rodgers the tune became the theme "Captain Kangaroo".I've always enjoyed "Tin Toy" and it's ability to pull you into the world of the toys' perspective. The baby is a bit primitive compared to the toys in the short, but I don't let that get in the way of enjoying the voyage of the little musicians' discovery of his purpose. Pat Larson
patrick_dunne "Tin Toy" is one of Pixar's earliest films that has something to do with one of their first movie "Toy Story." The story is this: A toy soldier (well, it's more of a one-man band, wind-up toy) meets a baby who tries to eat him.The computer animation is pretty good. The baby looks pretty bad, but the light and shadows look realistic. The toys look good too.The film isn't too funny however. It's a nice start for Pixar, but I would recommend "Luxo Jr." and "For the Birds" over it.6/10Feel free to send me a Private Message regarding this comment.
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