A Golden Christmas 3
A Golden Christmas 3
NR | 22 December 2012 (USA)
A Golden Christmas 3 Trailers

Heather is a charming free spirit whose self-absorbed fiancé Roger never seems to hear a word that comes out of her mouth. Bobby is a naval officer who comes home from serving overseas, looking to start a new chapter in his life. Both Heather and Bobby long to meet someone who makes them feel like they are at home in this world, but they are starting to doubt that person exists. Thanks to two Golden Retrievers, Bobby's spirited eleven-year-old niece Myra, and a fun-filled theatre production of 'A Christmas Carol,' these two unlucky and unlikely people end up falling in love at Christmas. But can they overcome the issues of their past and present in order to build a future together?

Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
J. Dunn The movie description say (Naval Officer). This is incorrect. The young man rank is 2nd Class Petty Officer. I know they went after the younger age group, but this would have been a much better movie if it were about a retired Chief Petty Officer or actual naval officer.They could have gone with the theme of a Officer and Gentleman from 30 years ago. That might have worked. I still think it would have worked much better if they had gone with a more mature age group since they made it about the US military.Shalom
deansam I'm not sure if there are spoilers really but just in case be warned. I have seen the second one and parts of the first one and I have to say that this one is hands down the best. I don't understand why people say this is one that shouldn't have been made. It is the only one I can stand. There are golden retrievers again which are so cute. It's Christmas time and a couple that must find out if they will be together or won't. The movie had me teary eye and that is something that doesn't happen often. The romance and story line was perfect and I love to watch this movie even if it isn't Christmas time. The characters fit in their roles and didn't seemed forced like in the second one.
ClayandQuinnFan2010 A Golden Christmas 3 follows a free spirit threatr director, Heather Hartly played very well by the talented Shantel VanSanten. She has hopes to being a Broadway theatre director until her childhood sweetheart returns to town from the navel, Bobby also played very well by Rob Mayes. Rob Mayes is very handsome, I wouldn't be surprised if this movie makes him the next Hollywood hunk and he so much on screen charisma. Shantel VanSanten is very adorable in this role, my favorite scene in the movie with her when she was on the beach with her puppy, she was cute.This romantic comedy is very cute, Rob Mayes & Shantel VanSanten both had fantastic chemistry together and you really believed they really loved each other. There is a scene where they really showed off their acting chops emotionally.Nikki Deloach is downright adorable and hilarious as Julia. Her chem with Shantel was also very genuine. You could tell Julia really cared about Heather and wanted the best for her.I highly recommend this movie. Think its way better than the first 2 golden Christmas movies. Plus the puppies are adorable. So if you like cute dogs, romantic comedies, holiday movies than check this out.10/10 stars for me.
Gameson Blintelmann It was an impossible task. Director Michael Fiefer was asked to helm a follow-up to the greatest and most heart-warming Christmas classic of the modern era. Of course, I am speaking of the perplexingly straight- to-DVD holiday standard Golden Christmas 2. Compared to that mighty standard, perhaps the most technically perfect script ever committed to celluloid, and despite the remarkable performance of Orson Bean as "Mr. Cole," Golden Christmas franchise fans around the world are today scratching their heads in a communal sigh of "hmm?!"Mark Famiglietti, who plays "Roger," was hopelessly miscast, for starters. If I never see another Golden Retriever-centric Christmas film with Mark Famiglietti again, that would be just peachers, IMHO. And my second and final complaint is that there just aren't enough dogs in this film. Compared to a motion picture like Hotel for Dogs, which promised at least as much hotel as dog representation but far over- delivered on the latter, I have to say that there is just too much Christmas in this film, not enough Golden. KNOW WHAT I MEAN?Would not watch again.