A Gang Story
A Gang Story
| 11 November 2011 (USA)
A Gang Story Trailers

After growing up in a poor gypsy camp, Edmond Vidal, aka Momon, has retained a sense of family, unfailing loyalty and pride in his origins. Most of all, he has remained friends with Serge Suttel, with whom he first discovered prison life - for stealing cherries. The two of them inevitably got involved in organized crime. The team they formed, the Ganf Des Lyonnais, made them the most notorious armed robbers of the early 1970s. Their irresistible rise ended in 1974 with a spectacular arrest. Today, as he nears 60, Momon would like to forget that part of his life. He has found peace by retiring from the "business". He tends to his wife Janou, who suffered so in the past, and to his children and grandchildren, all of whom have great respect for this man of simple and universal values, so clear-headed and full of kindness. But then Serge Suttel, who has disowned nothing of his past, comes back into the picture.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Ceticultsot Beautiful, moving film.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Luigi Di Pilla I found this film ordering some DVDs on Amazon. I thought the high votes should warrant for a solid thriller but this time I was wrong. Why? The first twenty to thirty minutes I could have done a meal in the kitchen. The introduction of the characters of these gangsters took too long in my opinion. I have to admit that the atmosphere and the flashbacks into the 60ies or 70ies are well built. I felt really back in this time. Then the young and older actors did a fine job. What I missed is a fast paced story. Perhaps this was not so easy to create because it is finally a true event. The music was very original and top. For all these reasons my expectations haven't been met. 6/10.
writers_reign For about a reel and a half I thought Olivier Marchal had blown it; this new film wasn't living up to 36 Quai des Orfevres or MR73. Then all at once it blossomed before our eyes and took its rightful place in the Marchal pantheon. This was due in no small measure to Gerard Lanvin who I have yet to see give a bad performance. Lanvin is almost unique among 'macho' actors in that he can convey sadness and toughness at one and the same time. Here he plays a real person, one still very much alive and he does so superbly. Recently acting joke Vincent Cassell was called upon to portray a real character - also a gangster - and was light years short of Lanvin's performance here which is incandescent. If I single out Lanvin it is because he is the only member of the cast who stands an outside chance of being known in the UK - he also does comedy, see: Camping - but Marchal has cast his film well and the entire cast acquit themselves well. See it as soon as you can.
kosmasp A french thriller with terrific actors in the main roles. It is quite predictable all along (the main twist is something you should have figured out sooner rather than later), but the actors make it more than enjoyable to watch.The suspense is still sustained throughout the movie, which has to do with the settings, the framing and the editing of the movie. Good work has been done in those departments. There's some violence in this movie, but it's not relishing in it. The morals might also be something you have trouble with identifying. A more than solid effort that is not only for Euro thriller lovers
samanguiano Its not your typical mob movie with guns blazing. It takes us back to when gangs had a code of honor and integrity. Loyatly is what kept this gang a close knit family. You actually want the bad guys to win is how good this film is. Brings you in that much. The gang leader has a heart and his friends will give there lives to him with no questions asked rather than see it as a sign of weakness. Every actor seems to fit there part perfect. It has revenge which i love in movies. It also stresses if you mess with his family you will pay the price with your life. I really believe this deserves a higher rating than what it received by far.
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