A Dead Calling
A Dead Calling
R | 12 December 2006 (USA)
A Dead Calling Trailers

A young television reporter (or "investigative journalist") is attacked in her home, leading to her boyfriend being murdered. Six months later she returns to work in a smaller town, and stumbles across a house full of ghosts trying to call out to her. What is the secret of this house and how is she connected to it?

Lawbolisted Powerful
Protraph Lack of good storyline.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Raymond Sierra The film may be flawed, but its message is not.
suite92 Rachel is a successful roving reporter for a television station. One evening she comes home and all seems well. A home invasion occurs and the thief kills her significant other by stabbing. She's in shock. She loses her job, her place of work. She goes back to her home in Fillmore with her parents George and Marge, then gets a job at the local television station. Her first assignment is an ongoing one in which she is to report on some of the high points of the local architecture.When she goes to first stop on the list, the 'Sullivan House,' all seems as usual until she goes upstairs. Then she hallucinates a brutal stabbing of a woman by an enraged man. On her second visit, she meets Arnold, a photographer who is investigating paranormal events using very sensitive photographic equipment. When they are about to uncover a paranormal event, a big fellow gets in Arnold's way, then stabs him to death.Stephen does some research, and finds that Arnold was killed some years ago. Oh, my. The Chief would rather that Stephen and Rachel quit poking around the Sullivan house. So of course they go there the same night. The Chief gets a complaint about their skulking around, and confronts them in the house. Unfortunately for the Chief, Dr. Sullivan, who owns the house, has gotten out of prison, and he stabs the Chief to death.Rachel figures out that the killer is her father and the ghost in her first hallucination is the ghost of her birth mother.Does Rachel help resolve the ghost's psychological problems, so that the haunting stops? Will any of the cast survive Dr. Sullivan? Are there last minute surprises? ----Scores-----Cinematography: 6/10 Camera shake. Stupid camera angles.Sound: 5/10 There are some big shifts in volume for no particular purpose, except perhaps for shock effect.Acting: 0/10 Alexandra Holden and John Burke are both terrible in this film. Their delivery of lines is just poor, and their external affect seems irrelevant. Micah Costanza was wretched as Deputy Murken. Mike Korich as Arnie Howard was no prize either.Screenplay: 2/10 Does Rachel ever mourn Brian? Why is Rachel so snotty toward her parents? Why was absolutely nothing in this film scary? Bad writing.
Claudio Carvalho In New York, the journalist Rachel Beckwith (Alexandra Holden) is attacked by a burglar and her fiancé Brian (Shawn Hoffman) is murdered trying to defend her. Rachel returns to her hometown Fillmore to recover in the house of her parents. Six months later, she is hired by Stephen Javitz (John Burke) to work in the local television and her first assignment is to cover the architecture of the mansions in Fillmore. Rachel is attracted to the abandoned house of Dr. Frank Sullivan (Tim Oman) and when she breaks in the house, she sees the murder of Mrs. Sullivan (Caia Coley) by Dr. Frank. She returns to the house later and also sees the murder of the journalist of the Fillmore Union Tribune Arnold "Arnie" Howard (Mike Korich). When she calls the police, she learns that Arnie died many years ago. Soon Rachel is contacted by the ghost of Mrs. Sullivan that asks her to help her family and her to find peace. Rachel decides to investigate her connection with the Sullivan's family and their house. "A Dead Calling" is an awful combination of a lame story with bad acting. It is unbelievable how a writer can create such poor and incoherent story. The way Rachel treats her parents when the ghost of Mrs. Sullivan talks to her is unpleasant and absurd. Rachel does not grieve George, who is simply forgotten in the happy end. The exterior of the haunted house is a beautiful white mansion. The snoopy neighbor is capable to see Rachel snooping around in the house, but does not hear shots in the end. The actor that performs Deputy Murken is terrible. Dr. Sullivan kills a deputy, a man on the road and the police do not chase him. Do not waste your time watching this garbage. My vote is two.Title (Brazil): "O Chamado da Morte" ("The Dead Calling")
amanda_lutrick OK, I just saw the movie and I didn't think that it was THAT bad. The other reviewer is correct the acting sucks, big time, but if you actually give it a chance and try to get into the character then it's not so bad. I would not recommend buying or renting it but if you're stuck somewhere out in the middle of nowhere with cable and the movie just so happens to come on, it might be OK. Yes the escaped convict plot is alright, way too played out. There are actually kind of two "twists". The first is pretty obvious from the get-go. The other surprised me a little but it did not improve the movie what-so-ever. I think that the characters the were in The Devil's Rejects, should stay there. There is "supposed" to be a tender moment between the parents and the daughter and I could only laugh. Now if "tender" meant "awkward" then I could understand. All in all this was a pretty bad movie. Don't waste ANY money on this or you'll be sorry.
HorrorFreakever Well finally here's a good use of genre talent (Sid Haig, Bill Moseley, Leslie Easterbrook) put to a true horror film with a dark atmospheric story to match. It's basically a ghost story/slasher film that combines the genres seamlessly with a twist that comes at the end that left me at the edge of my seat. I'd say this is Moseley's best performance since Texas Chainsaw Massacre II and Haig and Leslie deliver some solid perfs as well. If you liked the Devils Rejects check this out as you won't be disappointed. This could be the best ghost story of the year (theatrical or direct-to-video). Its like a J- Horror film done right with the slasher element. Keep them coming Feifer!!!