A Dangerous Place
A Dangerous Place
PG-13 | 30 November 2012 (USA)
A Dangerous Place Trailers

An innocent woman, Claire Scully is drawn into a terrorist plot to kill people through the mail using a deadly strain of TB.

TinsHeadline Touches You
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
G Stanos OK, I get that the bar for production quality in an indie film is set lower than for a blockbuster, but please. To me, there were too many things that were too amateurish to take this film seriously-the camera work, the acting, the dialogue, the plot. The film has an ambitious reach, trying to tie together the events of 9/11, Wall St greed, and bio-terrorism, but on a budget like they obviously had, nothing seemed to work well. TV news reportage is overused to advance the plot, too many scenes take place in generic office environments, and a very unconvincing fight scene near the end all combine to make for a rather regrettable viewing experience.
Slopo Rodrigez I'm no critic... just an average movie viewer.However, after seeing this movie, I had to write this commentary to tell you my thoughts. I'll keep it simple.Acting was below average. Directing/editing is disappointing.I could see where they were going with the story and it had so much potential but it fell short in so many places. In some instances it was confusing and erratic.And the ending... well... that didn't really make a lot of sense but I could see the intention.Audio production is at times woeful and inconsistent throughout the entire movie. Levels and EQ (equalisation) were all over the place.There were a few good moments in the movie that made me think there was some hope for it to get better... but they quickly disappeared. Overall, poorly executed by both production and acting - could have been so much better... shame.I'm sure there are better reviews about this movie but I had to pass on my thoughts...You can find much better ways to spend 95 minutes - sitting through this movie is NOT one of them.
gabrielverasjr Once again the brilliant minds of Corrado/Shoner have done it again,in my eyes another well blended masterpiece of suspense and the horrific realities of todays society.This great film makes one wonder,exposes the truth and stirs up controversy.I love the concept of this film and quite honestly enjoy all films by Corrado Shoner.This duo of creative minds are a team to keep an eye on.I cannot wait and see what they come up with next. Very gutsy approach I must commend this duo for utilizing a concept that many do not dare to attempt,conspiracy theorist at its very finest.lets face it folks we all know this stuff really goes on in our society today and to highlight and expose through a film is pure genius i am new to the indie scene and must say this film brought me closer to this scene.
ronelove44 Every scene, every moment, every word are not to be missed. Well acted,directed and produced, this movie keeps you engaged from the get go through to the ending credits. I found myself literally on the edge of my seat. Believable and scary, this is a thriller to be seen. With the prices of pharmaceutical stock these days it is more than believable some employees would go to great lengths to increase the market price. Superb acting throughout the entire film. The music was also well placed and expertly produced. I've never written a review before. This movie deserved to be my first review. Hope you are still reading this. Watching this film is a great way to enjoy your evening. Don't miss it!