A Crude Awakening
A Crude Awakening
| 01 March 2006 (USA)
A Crude Awakening Trailers

Basil Gelpke and Ray McCormack's nonfiction treatise Crude Awakening joins Maxed Out, An Inconvenient Truth, and other recent documentaries devoted to unearthing and exploring forces that are untying the connective threads of contemporary society. The subject at hand is crude oil - specifically, the depletion of petroleum from the Earth, in an era when consumption threatens to exceed supply.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
GazerRise Fantastic!
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Ozzy2000 Another Alarmist film about the fact that one of the numerous types of the earth's resources is actually finite and one day will run out. The fact remains that long before it happens the market will force a new solution by necessity and until then its no use stressing out about it. Save petrol and do not use a car to travel to hire this DVD.Seriously it is a great crisis and oil prices are already exponentially rising.Peak Oil is being reached very rapidly. The question is will humanity learn to use energy more efficiently and curb overpopulation with contraception and the answer is no.The Human race is unfortunately doomed to a crisis caused by overpopulation and depleted resources.
kkaminsky The fact that a movie on this topic was made is admirable. I found the opening quarter a little rough (editing, footage choice), and had to overlook some exaggerations and oversights. But in terms of weaving a consistent message with data, dialog, music, and both historical and current video - hauntingly amazing. Whether you believe that message or its implications ... well, that's up to you ... and the movie leaves it at that. Although not directly comparable to An Inconvenient Truth, I'm sure viewers who liked one will like the other. If An Inconvenient Truth was about humanity's reach exceeding its grasp, then this movie is about humanity's reach falling short of its presumption.Sure there are alternatives. I'd watch a video of someone working out the environmental consequences of using coal gas, the political consequences of fighting for oil, or the economic consequences (a measure of ability) of developing nuclear, wind, and solar power. I guess I'd rather believe I have an empty tank and conserve than think I have a full tank and burn - even if the truth is the other way around. I think it makes me a better person for trying, and in my opinion provides a better opportunity to explore the alternatives. Call it inspiration through pessimism. If people continue to burn ridiculous amounts of fuel in a frivolous manner, out of convenience or perhaps poorly planned necessity, shame on us. Since, I'm no better than the average North American on this issue, I'm afraid that this is a lesson we'll all have to learn the hard way.
deandubach I awoke in the middle of the night after watching this movie, and couldn't fall back to sleep as I couldn't take quit thinking about the issues discussed.Never before have I been afraid that I am too young, and might live to experience the crisis outlined in this film.It almost makes "An Inconvenient Truth" seem like a Disney movie, as there are zero aspects of our life today that will be untouched by the impact of the disappearance of the worlds oil supply. This is as a must see film, that needs to have the same level of awareness and concern that has been generated by global warming. The impact to the world, and specifically our nation, appears worse than global warming as we will be challenged to transport food to segments of the population far away from rural farms. It seems that our total economy will revert to an agricultural base rather than industrial and technological.
msjohughes Having just got home from a HotDocs screening, I haven't had a whole lot of time to process all the information this doc throws at you, but my god was it interesting. I won't begin to tell you about the ideas, opinions, and facts that this film brings to the screen, because you should see it for yourself.My criticism of the film would be in its editing - some places seemed choppy, I'm certain a few of the interviewees were cut-off in the middle of their last word (in the edit, not by the interviewer) but this nitpicking is insignificant when you think about what these people are telling you.We need more people to see this documentary. But more than that: more people to start talking about the subject to which it is trying to alarm us, and beyond that, to actually take action. Immediately.