A Child's Wish
A Child's Wish
| 21 January 1997 (USA)
A Child's Wish Trailers

A family discovers their youngest daughter has cancer. But the real struggle has yet to start.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Michela Bell If it wasn't for Melissa Weaver, I would not have been able to manage as a single mother after I was fired from my job in NYC. My son was also injured at a game and diagnosed with Ewings Sarcoma. One year into Nickys treatment I spent my days writing to attorneys throughout NY,NJ and CT for help with the firing of my job. No one offered to discuss the termination. Someone told me to watch this movie, as I did, I kept reaching out to attorneys until we met a family on Nicky's Make a Wish cruise. We were followed by media and press for 4.5 years up until his passing. We met a family "The Feretti's" who welcomed us like we were their family. One night after dinner (we sat every night on the cruise together) Joe walked outside to ask me what happen to Nicky and why we were on the cruise. I spoke briefly about it the first night at dinner. I explained to him I was fired from my job after asking for 10 hours a week off. He then promised me when he returns to Florida, he will have his lawyer contact me. Within a week, his lawyer contacted me and flew to NYC for a meeting. The proceedings began immediately. In between we would fly to Florida and visit the family, they loved us very much as we were their. Time went by and we lost touch, I lost my phone and was so involved with Nicky, I could not locate them. My story could be Part Two of a Childs Wish. I am finishing my book on my story in hopes I can make a difference in someones life. May God Bless anyone who endures such pain and sadness.
AustinGirl2002 I attended 6th grade with Melissa Weaver, and I remember the day I found out she had died. I think it may have been a Monday and the announcements came on saying that anyone wanting to attend Melissa's funeral would be excused from classes....it was over 10 years ago, so I may have forgotten details. But one thing I will never forget is the feeling I had when I found out someone so young...My age!!...had died. We had all known that she had cancer, she always had the cutest hats, but know one ever really thought she would die...Death was a word that really wasn't a part of our life. After Melissa passes away, her mother (a teacher) set up the gym with things from Melissa's life such as her hats and letters and pictures....she talked to the school as a whole and helped us understand what she had went through. It was an experience I shall never forget. Alougth I wasn't a friend of Melissa's (we never had classes together) it made me very sad that someone so young could leave us like that. ALWAYS IN MEMORY OF MELISSA WEAVER, YOUR FELLOW CLASSMATE....TIFFANY
IndianaHighway This movie was beautiful. I remember the first time I saw this movie I was 12 and I cried so much. It's a great movie, but because it's so thematic, I really wouldn't recommend it for children.A young girl Cancer-battling her way through life shows how much you should value life in case you lose it completely.
kang_sc I have just watch this movie from the TV( of course,because it is made for TV).It first caught my notice when I flipped through the newspaper's TV guide.The main character was played by Anna Clumsky,who also starred in one of my favourite movie-My Girl.She has grown up so much in that movie,not the adorable ii-year -old in My Girl.The movie is about the struggle of a 16-year-old-girl against the cancer.It also showed her supportive family members and friends.I guess it is based on a true story and I was amazed to see President Clinton appeared inthe movie too in t he Oval Office.It changed my opinion of him after the Monica's incident and many nasty stuff about him.I came to realized that a person has his or her bad or good's sides.It's all based on how we judge a person by his or her action and remark.The father's role potrayed in this movie is also very touching and moving.It shows a father's love for his family and his ways to support it It is also very warm to notice that Missy,the main character's name has a supportive and loving boyfriend.He played by Karl David-Djerf is so youthful and charming.I could recommend this movie for whoever out there who is fighting for an illness and my advice is never give up and may your wishes come true.
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