A Brief Vacation
A Brief Vacation
PG | 09 February 1975 (USA)
A Brief Vacation Trailers

Forced to support herself, her children, her physically incapacitated husband and her obtrusive brother and mother, a downtrodden working woman contracts tuberculosis. She is granted a brief vacation at a health spa, where a whole new world — and potential new life — is opened up to her.

Grimerlana Plenty to Like, Plenty to Dislike
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Hollywoodshack Florinda Balkan stars as a factory worker battered by her crippled husband who discovers she has lung disease and is send on medical leave to a TB resort in the mountains for treatment. Here she is romanced by a handsome patient from a nearby facility and develops close friendships with her roommates, sharing their triumphs and disappointments while they battle with fates of mortality. The great irony results in that she is cured, but ruined by the fact she must return to her factory work and poor, abusive family. Fans of Bette Davis (Jezebel) and Joan Crawford (Mildred Pierce) will enjoy her portrayal of a strong tragic heroine. I must admit scenes with her abusive husband and fellow TB patients are quite hard-hitting, but worth enduring to see the powerful finale.
Chris_Middlebrow A Brief Vacation is a quiet Italian drama from 1973, directed by Vittorio De Sica who was acclaimed for The Bicycle Thief a quarter century earlier.Florinda Bolkan plays a female factory worker in Milan whose husband's employment has been sidelined for the time being by injury. Thus she is the breadwinner for a family that includes children, a mother-in-law, and a brother-in-law. She already is close to collapse from the wear and tear of her job, and the fatigue of the train commutes to and from it. Family members prove extremely selfish, increasing the stress and burden.But she has a spot on her lung, a patch of tuberculosis, the equivalent of a golden war wound in combat. There is insurance for health care, and a guarantee of a continued flow of salary during leave for recuperation. The movie makes a welcome shift to a sanatorium in the Alps, where the only demands are to get plenty of sleep and rest and be pampered by the doctors, nurses, and other staffers. This is the brief vacation from which the movie title derives, and brings a chance to meet new friends and a pause to reflect on life. De Sica via the interruption produces another winner.It might be added that it was a long wait to see the movie again. A Brief Vacation was never released on VHS, and consequently it took three full decades, and the advent of the DVD era, to bring the film to home viewers. Take advantage.
ferbs54 Those viewers who are feeling a little down about their own particular life situation may be a bit cheered when they see what Clara Mataro's daily grind is like, in Vittorio de Sica's 1973 offering "A Brief Vacation." The sole breadwinner in her family, living in a dingy, cramped apartment on the outskirts of Milan with her loutish husband, thuggish brother-in-law, waspishly senile mother-in-law and three young sons, her torturous job at a rubber factory is just another element in her daily hell. No wonder that when the National Health clinic forces her to go to a sanatorium in the Italian Alps to cure her incipient TB, Clara views this as the titular brief vacation. (If only the U.S. had a health care system like this!) Away from her usual troubles and surrounded by new friends, Clara inevitably blossoms, and that metamorphosis is wonderful to see. Florinda Bolkan, who had greatly impressed me in such marvelous gialli as "Lizard in a Woman's Skin" and "Don't Torture a Duckling," is superb here as Clara, especially when the prospect of a possible love affair at the sanatorium arises. Clara's fellow patients are a very interesting bunch; de Sica, the old neorealist master, directs winningly yet unobtrusively; son Manuel de Sica's theme song "Stay" is lush and superromantic; and the snowy backdrop of the Alpine countryside is often quite spectacular. So, does the film give poor Clara the reward of a happy ending? I would never dream of telling, but those who have seen such earlier de Sica classics as "The Bicycle Thief" and "Umberto D" might be able to guess. Clara Mataro is a remarkably well-drawn character, and my feeling is that most viewers will be very happy that they have spent a few brief hours with her....
Mick (Sees All) This is not an adaptation of THE MAGIC MOUNTAIN. The only thing the two works have in common is that they both take place in a sanitarium. It's the story of a woman who has a horrible life of hard work and no appreciation. She takes ill and is sent by the government to a sanitarium where she thrives. Getting sick is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened to her. I found this film extremely moving. Florinda Bolkan gives a great performance of subtle realism. A BRIEF VACATION is a brilliant film, right up there with De Sica's best, and it came late in his career. He directed only one more film afterward. I saw this film a couple of times in the 70s. I still think about scenes from it.