A Boy, a Girl and a Bike
A Boy, a Girl and a Bike
| 23 May 1949 (USA)
A Boy, a Girl and a Bike Trailers

The lives of the members of a West Yorkshire cycling club are complicated by romantic entanglements and a series of bike thefts.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Pluskylang Great Film overall
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
JohnHowardReid A Gainsborough Picture, presented by J. Arthur Rank. Never theatrically released in the U.S. Released in the U.K. through General Film Distributors: 20 June 1949. Australian release through G-B-D/20th Century-Fox: 10 November 1950. 8,468 feet in Australia; 8,251 feet in U.K. Australian running time: 94 minutes. SYNOPSIS: Landowner's son buys a bike to aid him in his pursuit of a pretty cyclist. VIEWER'S GUIDE: Suitable for all. COMMENT: This little-known (it isn't even so much as mentioned in Best of British) naturalistic regional comedy gem not only boasts a fine cast of interesting players who are all given excellent opportunities in a fascinating script, but takes its characters firmly out of doors to explore the picturesque Yorkshire countryside (which is cleverly contrasted to the cramped, gloomy, claustrophobic environs of the town). Whether you're interested in cycling or not, this movie is a must. A further bonus is the presence of Honor Blackman and Diana Dors, both of whom are not only attractive in looks and personality (though Diana has a character role), but act with pleasing assurance and total conviction. The script is well- paced and deftly directed, guaranteed to rivet the attention from starter's flag to finish line.Mind you, it's difficult to believe that Diana Dors of all people would have to scratch around for someone to take her to the local dance. (Admittedly, the film was made before her period of super- stardom when Diana was in brilliant form in character roles, but even at her most girl-in-the-crowdish, she exuded terrific sex appeal). Otherwise the direction and the exterior camera-work with its rapid tracking shots of cyclists along country roads is exhilarating. And it's nice to see Honor Blackman (with a very convincing Yorkshire accent too) even though she is not all that attractively costumed or photographed. Holt rates as fair, Newley, Denham and Blythe come over with appropriate conviction, Hal Osmond and Amy Veness never fail to be amusing (yes, it's a shame they have only the one scene here) and the rest of the cast is more than okay. Music figures attractively and credits ride smooth.
malcolmgsw This was one of the films from the Rank pro-gramme trying to entice audiences back to the cinema.Some hope.About the only people it is likely to please are those interested in cycle racing and picturesque scenery.\the plot is poorly written and in fact it even leaves one major plot line unresolved.Maybe Rank decided that at 87 minutes enough was enough.What is worse is that everyone in the film seems to have their own accent.Anthony Newley as a pilfering teenager stands out with a Cockney accent.Now how did he manage to get that living in Yorkshire?The only interesting aspect of the story is the army deserter who had fled from London.Clearly this must still have been a live issue when the film was made.Only Diana Dors comes out of this with her reputation intact.
k-ward1 This movie has evaded me for a long time, originally seeing it in Skipton, which is featured in the movie. I couldn't remember the title but it turned up in the DVD 'Diana Dors collection'. It has matured like old wine and the little romances within the main theme make me wish I was back there again. It's a pity it is in black and white : the scenes are good in this medium but they would have been stunning in colour. It is a real advert for 'Come to West Yorkshire for your holidays' particularly since much of it has since been cleaned up revealing its natural beauty.PS. We don't really talk like that in West Yorkshire - honest!
petshel I saw the film in our local cinema in Paddington in 1949, when I was nearly 13 and a keen cyclist. All of us young boys rated it highly, not least for the unique way the rear brake cable was routed to the brake via a small pilot tube within the bike's top tube. It was the first time that we had seen the young Diana Dors (I think she was 16 at this time) and a real head-turner. Honor Blackman spoke with a creditable Yorkshire accent and I particularly remember the scene when, after having a puncture, she asks John McCullum to "pass the patches and solution". Years later I met Miss Blackman when she was learning to fly at my flying club, Flairavia, at Biggin Hill in 1964 after having just played the part of Pussy Galore in "Gold Finger" - she couldn't remember saying those (to me) immortal lines from the 1949 film! I think the film has stood the test of time and is well worth viewing to remind us how we all lived.Peter Woodman.