80 Minutes
80 Minutes
| 02 September 2008 (USA)
80 Minutes Trailers

80 minutes to live or die. Alex got injected with a high tech poison by his creditor and put on a time clock to pay his debt back in 1 hour and 20 minutes. Will he make it or even further will he stay loyal to his friends and relatives under a pressure like running out of time?

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Gino Cox "80 Minutes" seems at first as if it will be a low-budget version of "Crank," but with an unexpected and fairly effective plot twist at the climax, it morphs into a low-budget version of an entirely different film, which I will not allude to, so as to avoid spoiling the surprise, other than saying it was an excellent film with first-rate talent. While 80M is limited by its budget, it manages to retain the moral and emotional B-story of the other film. 80M isn't a great film, but it offers several satisfying plot twists, humor, witty banter and a lot of heart from its central characters. Production values are barely sufficient to convey the story. The three central characters deliver interesting performances, but many of the supporting characters lack depth. It's not without its faults, but it has its moments.
Passive Zero Whilst watching this I felt I was the one slowing dieing. The acting is wooden and worse then that at a school play. The characters are awful, it also has the worst chase scene, after hitting into a new jaguar the main character is chased by a 50+ balding fat man. The chaser doesn't have a gun, and the worst that could possibly happen if caught is a stern telling off. The whole film fails to draw you in, and seems unbelievable the whole time. It was actually a struggle to watch the whole film. The practical joke ends up with a lot big costs for other people, which is just to be forgotten at the end.
Wizard-8 Don't worry, "80 Minutes" is neither a prequel or a sequel to the awful Al Pacino movie "88 Minutes". This low-budget effort does manage to be better than that big budget movie... but not by much. I'll start by listing the little merit this movie had. It jumps into the action right away, using an intriguing (but not totally original) setup. And at no time could I ever admit that I was bored by all of what was going on. That's what's good about this movie - now to list some of the many problems I found. To begin with, the central figure is not very sympathetic - he's stupid, irresponsible, and seems to deserve what he's getting. He and the other actors in the movie also have a wide range of accents, making us wonder just where this movie is supposed to be taking place. The movie has a constant claustrophobic feeling, with the camera constantly jammed up right next to the action or characters so that it's often hard to tell what's going on. The movie is also photographed badly, murky and dark-looking, and out of focus. Also, the DVD manufacturer gave this movie the wrong aspect ration, which results in information at the sides of the screen being cut off. The movie has an unexpected twist ending, one that seems to have been inspired by a certain Michael Douglas movie, but as soon as it happens, many unexplained questions come to mind regarding how the whole charade was pulled off. While I wouldn't call this movie as bad as what previous IMDb user commenters have claimed up to this point, I still would not recommend that you watch "80 Minutes".
petermoran84 It's so hard to sum up how bad this film is.The acting is abysmal, the dialogue incredibly weak, the storyline extremely dated and the final "twist" absolutely the worst moment of any film I've ever seen.The ending is actually so hilariously bad I suggest you watch it just to see how films shouldn't be made.It's a shame the voting only allows me to go as low as 1 out of 10 for this because even that is generous.Thomas Jahn is certainly not a writer/director I would be eager to see more from.