500 MPH Storm
500 MPH Storm
PG | 28 February 2013 (USA)
500 MPH Storm Trailers

When an energy experiment goes haywire, a rash of massive hurricanes rips across North America. A high school science teacher must get his family to safety before the hurricanes merge, creating a "hypercane" with the power to wipe the US off the map.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
doctorsmoothlove Note: I watched this on Prime on a 1080p-capable TV. Good image quality and mediocre movie."500 MPH Storm" is one of several environmental disaster films produced by The Asylum for Sy Fy Channel. In this one, scientists in a bunker somewhere manipulate the weather with the use of mysterious machine. A meteorologist travels with his family from venue to venue to outrun the storm that seems to be uniquely chasing them and no one else. There's a subplot about how the bunker scientists can fire a laser at just the right place to "stop" the storm as if it were a monster. Yawn. There isn't much to see here sadly. The film takes itself way too seriously and the actors are generally good enough not to induce giggles. There is a funny sequence where the main guy's wife tells his son to "game" while they are driving. It isn't played for laughs, which makes it even funnier. At least the main actors are pleasant to look at and the actress seems to run around without a bra under her shirt.After about an hour you're ready for the film to end because nothing really happens. It's a series of 1) run from the storm, 2) scientific talk, 3) repeat. There are a few scenes of people stealing cars which are welcome because the films follows its pattern so closely. Like many films from The Asylum, this one suffers from the plot-driven antagonist who shows up whenever the movie has become boring and magically disappears for a few minutes. It's especially jarring here because you see scenes of stormy weather to be followed by bright sunshine. Would it have been too hard to film some time in the clouds? It would also have been nice to see more than just a few other people on the roads. Too boring to recommend.
Michael Ledo Contains plot "spoilers."A nuclear reactor somehow gathers natural energy from the earth, you know wind, magnetic, and that plate shifting stuff and channels a beam of light into the atmosphere to create power so we can shut down all the oil rigs. (Message: Renewables bad. Oil good.) Nathan (Casper Van Dien) a man we know less about than the science I just fully explained, is an expect on this reactor and storms too. He is out with his family, which for some strange reason did NOT include Catherine Oxenberg. They are flying a hot air balloon, which makes for great film footage with a 500 MPH hurricane (BFH) headed you way. Can you say Oz Fest?Sarah Lieving plays the remarkably calm wife, apparently facing death is easier than living with Casper Van Dien. Her lines while facing death include:"Just calm down and play your game or something." "Honey, There is no Internet." and "I'll make sandwiches."In this film they can't shut the reactor down because they had a "core meltdown." The script writer must have moved the year they taught science in school. I am not sure what film the DVD cover is from.Nathan tries to save his family by out running and out maneuvering a BFH by darting around like a jack rabbit, making John Cusack's "2012" driving look like child's play. Don't try this at home. Ultimately his driving ability climaxes when he drives inside the tail end of a semi as it is skidding down the highway and then being thrown out the same end doing donuts, then finally moving forward outrunning said storm. I'm not sure how many laws of motion were violated in that one.This is a SyFy family production one can rate at 1 star or 5 stars for a bad film.
Philip Antwi I'm still recovering from a movie that almost made me puke on my settee. Thank goodness I had something to ward of the trauma. WHAT THE FUDGE!!!??? I wonder how this piece of hogwash snuck it's way into the public domain. It's a real pity you know. From very awful cgi animations to rather daunting and blood draining scenes. I actually cried out to have a friend hit me with anything thrice the weight of a bag of cement. A man, wife and nerd of a kid trying to swerve a monstrous storm. SERIOUSLY??? Is that where it's gotten to now? For now I can only recline into my couch and thank the Lord God Almighty for a bright day and future ahead.hmm. the least said the better. I can't call this a movie 'cos I believe it's failed in all standards. Better luck to those who put their all into making this tawdry mess an actual mess. My heart goes out to the newbies... I'm sure you thought this movie was it..you could finally make it into the limelight..Jeeez!!! Are you kidding me??? This pile of crap shouldn't have seen the light of day
carlesmiquel This film amasses all the no-no's in just one pack. Terrible ideas. Fascinating non-believable characters. Ultra-mega-super-duper powers that not even combining X-Men, Superman, Iron Man, Spiderman, Juno, The Moone Boy, Beowolf, The Thundercats and The Addams Family all in unison would have.A veritable piece of crap with no ideas, no photography or effects skills, no plausible anything (emotions, physics, script, time line, camera use, animations). The music "sounds" pretty good anyway. Cymbals and percussions are all-pervasive.I'd really love to have the same money to make something simple, with actors or people without skills but believable... and with a story to tell, to move.The one point I give to this whateveryouwanttocallit is just because they made it. It's a class on its own of what -if you're in the filmmaking industry, should never do.