36 China Town
36 China Town
| 05 May 2006 (USA)
36 China Town Trailers

An inspector heads to Chinatown, a resort, to investigate the occurrence of a crime, only to discover that in Chinatown, EVERYBODY is a criminal...

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
SpunkySelfTwitter It’s an especially fun movie from a director and cast who are clearly having a good time allowing themselves to let loose.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Hunky Stud I started watching Indian movies since I saw the "chance pe dance" in a movie theater, because I thought that shahid kapoor looks cute. and he dances well.I found this DVD at a local library. And the cover looks so ugly, it is so dark, and boring. I thought that this movie is probably just like the cover. It is actually better than some other movies which Shahid kapoor were in. I am rating this movie a 8 because it is better than some other silly Indian comedy movies. Some scenes actually made me laugh. At first, I thought that the storyline is really good, it reminded me of the movie "death on the nile river", it has the "Agatha Christie" kind of mystery. Then I got on here, and read that this movie is actually just a copy of some other movies. So I should lower one point for it, but since it is rated so low, i am going to keep the 8 rating.Shahid Kapoor is really good, his eyes alone can act. I wonder if he will become a big star if he gets an USA accent, and comes to work in Hollywood. Anyway, my favorite scene was when he and pyriya opened the suitcase in the police station, their reactions were purely comical, very funny. The other couple's reaction were also very funny.Indian movies tend to be long, at least two hours long. If they cut the some unnecessary scenes, and formed its own original story. This movie could be a hot hit. It combined hot dancing with a mystery which is quite unique. Hollywood hardly ever makes movies like that. The ending was a surprise to me, I totally didn't expect the killer. I also like those cheesy pick up lines that Rocky uses,
Rajant Meshram Gone are the days of yore when edge on the seat thrillers used to mesmerize you and engulf you in their hunt for the unraveling of true suspense; but encountering a film like '36 China Town' it seems that thrillers have now been reduced to a vestige of RECLINING ON THE SEAT DROOLERS, which have nothing new to roll on the screen .It would be a hyperbole to categorize films like these as thrillers and an insult to the genre, because they stand nowhere near it and every moment they either lull you to sleep or tempt you to make your way to the sign flashing in red above the cinema hall door.The whole movie stands on a wafer thin plot and is full of frippery. The director duo has taken enough leeway on the part of the public to torture them with their newest offering. Also the films suspense does not thrust like a rapier which was common to their earlier movies like Baazigar, Khiladi etc.The film just trundles along lacking the limpet like feeling a property which most of their earlier films possessed. They seem to have lost their sleight in making suspense films which they were considered masters once. The movie stands in complete shambles due to the fact of this duo not adding the right ingredients to the cauldron of film making. So a feeling of great felicity empowers you when this ordeal comes to an end.Considering the star cast Shahid and Kareena seem to be too much engrossed in themselves to act well. Also they shriek and shout to ear-splitting decibels at the drop of a hat.Johny Lever and Paresh Rawal fail in their usual antiques of evoking laughter. Debutant Upen Patel seems just like any other model from the fashion world flaunting his six pack abs every now and then. The only saving grace of the film is the performance by Akshaye Khanna enacting the role of a detective with élan. Then we have Priyanka Chopra at the moribund end of the movie just to encourage some whistles form the front rows.The whole story drags along failing to arouse your alacrity at any instance and the scene where the dead body is found by Shahid and Kareena is total balderdash and the internecine quarrels of putting the blame on each other are totally childish.All and all the film is a tawdry show and is insipid in nature. The helmsmen have certainly taken the boat the wrong way. This one certainly serves as a punitive for people who have watched this movie and wont draw rewards form the film cognoscenti and certainly wont add good words to the directors repertoire.
katochnr This movie is a typical bollywood film, keep your thinking caps at home and you can enjoy the movie thoroughly. The first half an hour drags on with 3 (!!) songs, but after that the things pick up. In fact all the scenes seem to have been stretched to give the film its running time. Akshaye Khanna makes an entry just after the interval. Now if the film followed the logical rules of life, it should have ended after half an hour from the interval. But all the suspects lie like kindergarten kids and complicate the matter. Even after all this there is hardly any suspense at all. But the ample comedy, good songs and Upen Patel makes up for all this. Upen Patel's performance deserves a mention, he really exudes that cool persona. Rest all are usual. So all in all its a good enough time pass, provided one is not paying the multiplex prices.
hemanthks Never had any expectations from this movie. Abbas-Mustan are the directors who have taken full responsibility to remake all the Hollywood movies in to Bollywood. Originality is alien to them. Remember Aitraz (Disclosure), Daraar (sleeping with the enemy), Baadshah (Nick of time)etc.. ?? I gave in to the force of my friends to watch this flick. As expected it's not a brilliant movie. Surprisingly, it succeeded in evoking few good laughs here and there. It is stylish and performance are up to the mark. Johnny Lever and Paresh Rawal are superb!!. Just watch the movie for them (Vote 7/10 is just for them). Finally, I was not able to figure out, from which Hollywood flick, was this inspired..any guesses??
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