30 Nights of Paranormal Activity With the Devil Inside the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
30 Nights of Paranormal Activity With the Devil Inside the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
R | 15 January 2013 (USA)
30 Nights of Paranormal Activity With the Devil Inside the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo Trailers

After a stint in a psychiatric hospital, a young woman returns to the house where her father killed the entire cast of The Artist during his exorcism.

Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Haven Kaycee It is encouraging that the film ends so strongly.Otherwise, it wouldn't have been a particularly memorable film
Tejas Nair I enjoy spoof movies even though most of them line in the miseries of IMDb Bottom 250. But, this is one spoof movie I would not like to watch again.Because... It starts with turn-off note captioning nudity et al. The blurriness couldn't help the gross-quotient to decline. Spoofing almost 10 horror movies & The Dark Knight Rises takes a lot of nerve & I believe the filmmakers forgot to improvise. With certain plot points copied from the recent "A Haunted House" & other spoof stereotypes, half way through the movie, I lost the zeal I I had surmounted after a couple of rib-tickled here & there.As a whole, this movie blows like a balloon & blasts up due to lack of spoofing jokes its credible plot demands... And, many sequences are too ballsy & ludicrous to construe keeping mind the genre it belongs to.BOTTOM LINE: You can give it a try if you can somehow watch it for free. There is no point paying for this. This is a stupid movie!Can be watched with a typical Indian family? NOProfanity: Strong | Nudity: Critical | Sex: Strong | Alcohol: Mediocre | Vulgarity: Critical | Violence: Strong | Gore: No | Stupidity: Infinity | Smoking, Drugs: Mild
cedthegecko there's not much to say about this i couldn't laugh just couldn't it just felt that someone just threw every commercial, movie trailer, stereotype jokes and crap in the box and wrote on the side of the box theme paranormal activity well that box is this movie. whole movie length it just throws half-ass jokes just screaming "laugh laugh dammit" i wouldn't watch this even if i was high actually this movie would sell better if it would provide drugs to every consumer who purchase this movie but as i said there's nothing to say about this it really didn't have that much content it is the same 5-6 jokes on repeat the whole run time so my advice avoid at all cost
hatchet_tv I did not want to see this film. I am burnt out on spoof films. I have felt this way since the early Wayans days. My wife asked me to rent this flick, so I did.The movie was fun and never got boring. I think I understood all the references and jabs.The cast was perfect. From the family to their Bain parody (He's on the cover no spoiler here)the actors all seemed like they had fun with the film and their characters.The sets were spot on. At a time when we need to let go and just laugh 30 Nights of Paranormal Activity with the Devil Inside the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is a good choice. I have recommended this to my friends and family.
Paige Fitzpatrick. What do you expect from a film with a title like 30 Nights of Paranormal Activity with the Devil Inside the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo? It had its moments and my boyfriend found it very funny, I prefer darker humour. People who take movies like this too seriously need to ask themselves why they actually watched it, obviously it wasn't going to be something like a Spielberg masterpiece. If your going to watch this then expect nothing more that what the title suggests, it has its moments in places, it has cringe-worthy moments too (you know the kind, when you just want to wither away somewhere) and it has it utterly stupid moments too. I have seen many movies, too many tbf, so I kinda know what I'm on about.