.com for Murder
.com for Murder
| 21 February 2002 (USA)
.com for Murder Trailers

This high-tech, psychological thriller is set in the shadowy world of the Internet. Sondra Brummel is recovering from a skiing accident in her boyfriend's mansion, and accidently contacts a possible killer in an Internet chatroom. She and her friend Misty enter a virtual game that that becomes all too real.

Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
jessicagager21 I was somewhat turned on during this movie...... I actually liked it.Im definitely NOT one for low budget films, or what have you. but I find myself disagreeing with most of you. I think Jeffery Dean, played his part very well, and HE Definitely keep me on my toes the whole time. I honestly think the best part of the whole movie was him, and the way his character spoke.It seemed very sensual, in a weird sadistic kind of way. now the girls whoever, ehhh the wheelchair girl, please she made it seem just so loooooong and druuuuuuugggg ooooouuuuttt.. like seriously you make me want to slit my own wrist honey. you should have been being nosey in the first place, and you never would have been in the situation you were in.....Just saying
12dudes This movie is a laugh riot! There is nothing well done about it at all, though this other user suggests there is (probably the terrible actor who played the terrible character "Werther"!). This movie sucks. Suck. So bad. It's only scary if you don't know what a computer or the internet is. But then it still sucks. Seriously, NEVER see this movie. I am not exaggerating. NEVER. NEVER. NEVER. This is THE WORST movie ever. The performances are all terrible, the "villian" is just hilarious while he is inteded to be scary. I don't comment on movies, but I felt it would be necessary to let everyone know that this is the worst movie ever. And do not buy the DVD. Do not rent it. Do not watch it on TV. DO SOMETHING ELSE. This movie sucks so bad. I can't believe it has a 3.5/10 and a positive comment. Not one single human being who sees this movie could possibly like it. TERRIBLE. TERRIBLE. TERRIBLE.
michaela-bowden I really enjoyed watching this movie but for absolutely every wrong reason imaginable. The movie stunk. The acting was cringe-worthy and the whole thing had a very low budget feel to it. If this movie had been advertised as a black comedy and the actors had hammed it up it may have fared better. The serial killer was by far the most enjoyable character to watch. His non-sensical poetry (Lotte, Lotte, Lotte, what the f*&#??) and ridiculous eye make-up were genuinely funny and the actor who portrays him is about as talented as a coma patient. After seeing this movie I couldn't instantly think of any movies in recent years that were this bad and that is a testament to just how awful this is. The director seems to have had quite a successful career, albeit low-key. I cannot understand how this ever got made and it baffles me when money is involved that something so obviously bad can actually be financed.Having said all these nasty things there is a perverted pleasure in repeating atrocious lines and heckling the screen with a bunch of friends as you would a bad stand up comic. A truly awful movie but as a one off viewing, a guilty pleasure nonetheless :-)
amber-55 Kill it!!! This movie sucked. It wasn't worth my time or the time of my friends. I am disgusted that people would actually allow this film to be shown with as terrible as it was. There was hardly any dialog worth listening to and the special effects weren't that special. Oh please do not forget the fact that the things the guy did with his pc were pretty unbelievable and unrealistic. All I have to say about this movie is that it is total s***.