| 27 September 1992 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    lachtna I had been shopping for a Christmas present and saw the television "20 Q" and knew I could stump the game with this show.It was referred to as the "thinking mans Gilligan's Island" but couldn't be really referred to as that because it wasn't a thinking show but rather a funny take on a very unfunny subject, nuclear annihilation and how people who are forced into living together to survive learn to live with each other.It was a funny little show that had a BAD time slot (Sunday morning 12:30am here) and therefore was doomed from the start.The final episode that aired was the Christmas episode and the other episodes of the short-lived show never aired.Our loss, it was a half hour show to just get away from your problems and think about nothing.
    bionicjoe The group decides to form a simply economy to make things feel civilized. They base the economy on twist-ties just for fun, and then divvy up some goods. The stockbroker takes nothing but some simple tools. Later they're all having fun trading goods and services for a few twist-ties. It's basically a bunch of kids playing store at this point, until they ask the stock broker for a shovel. He charges one of them 50 twist-ties for an hour's worth of shovel-time. The show actually takes a dramatic commercial break here. The show returns after the break to see the broker as a self-appointed King. They're all basically serfs/slaves on King's land. They start an underground newspaper, which is nothing more than a note that says the King sucks or something similarly simple. The main character makes a smart remark about the paper, and another guy walks up says 'Yeah I stopped subscribing because they keep running the same article.' FUNNIEST LINE IN THE SHOW....sigh.Finally the overthrow the King when the former-teacher fixes him some 'super-fiber' muffins. She owns all the toilet paper still, and charges him a million twist ties per roll. In the next scene you see the woman has now appointed herself queen, treats the people even worse, and has a crown made of twist ties. Which is a little bit funny. Somehow they just give up on the economy and go back normal. Lesson learned (I don't know what it was). End show (probably the best ever).
    Mike_Tee_Vee Woops! (1992) was a show that I kept on hearing about being indevelopment for a few years. The concept was interesting and I waited.... and waited for it to finally come on television. After waiting for theNetwork to finally air the first episode I just completely forgot about it. But when it did air I wasn't impressed. It was very lame and juvenile. I couldhave come up with better ideas whilst sitting on the toilet. Too badbecause I really liked the premise. Sadly, like all shows if this genre theproducers fail to deliver a good product. What's even stranger is the factthat this show was neither a comedy or a fantasy. It's neither fish or fowl. Just another bad show that didn't make it a full season. Not to be confusedwith Whoops! or Whoops Apocalypse!I'm Mike Tee Vee. See ya next time!
    sdribble This show drove me nuts for one reason-they SPELLED THE NAME OF THE SHOW WRONG. 'Whoops' has an 'H' in it. This tells us a lot about the people who were behind it. Not one person caught this simple error. The show itself was pretty dumb, as I recall.