Wish Me Luck
Wish Me Luck
| 17 January 1988 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    TinsHeadline Touches You
    Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
    Console best movie i've ever seen.
    ShangLuda Admirable film.
    michaeljcooke-99705 Enjoyed the first two series This 3rd series has some stunning locations Unfortunately Michael J Jackson as Kit Vannson was appalling His acting so wooden that he would make the Woodentops seem animated !! The climax is spoiled by the riduculous ending with regards to Kate Buffrey totally naff and totally unbelievable Spoils what might have been a good drama but the ending goes into the realms of fantasy In the real circumstances Kate Buffrey was a British spy with a price on her head -rather than negotiate with the Germans they would have had her tortured and shot like so many true life agents so the truth is obscured for a fairy tale ending Agents im afraid such as Noor Khan Violete Tzabo etc didnt have such an ending Theirs was the Gas Chamber or worse
    davidcorne245 This series was recently undeservedly brought back from obscurity by the Yesterday Satellite Channel in the UK. It is totally laughable and most of the actors must have auditioned to see how much they could overact. It was so bad that I daren't miss an episode of this hogwash. Several of the cast set out to show how not to act, but the Oscar winner was probably Brian Pringle playing a priest working for the French underground who would have been better employed by London Underground. He was simply appalling and it was a relief when he was shot after a couple of episodes. He was joined by so many of the cast in their over the top clichéd portrayals of German officers, Frenchmen and upper class English women. Trevor Peacock invented the new method of acting by delivering as much of his dialogue through clenched teeth, but at least he looked realistic whereas Jane Snowden had a fresh hairdo and makeup in every scene and also a steady supply of new skirts and blouses. The production spoilt itself in that they used authentic German armour and aircraft but let itself down as in the case of the women being shown as glamour pusses instead of tough secret agents. Jane Asher found her true calling when she turned to cake making as she really took the cake as the boss of the British base of the SOE operations. Kate Buffery was often seen smoking in the series, but I venture to say that she never smoked at all in 'real life.' I saw the DVD on sale in HMV for the princely sum of £55 for the complete series which could earn many of the 'actors' some royalties, but personally I'd put most of them plus the director in front of a firing squad! Another series along similar lines was 'Secret Army' which was remorselessly spoofed and spoilt by 'allo, allo', but 'Wish Me Luck' didn't need to be spoofed as it became a comedy in it's own right. The French locations couldn't save this series which was spoilt by poor acting, intrusive music and abysmal scriptwriting. Why did I watch it? My Resistance was low!
    morrowmmm Back to 1987 to see really well made drama and this one a wartime one on the SOE. The first series is really very good, especially with Kate Buffery. Pretty well researched although there are a few errors and with a good feel ending which is not too lacking in veracity. Same for second season except a lot of emotionalism in the last episode and it started to unravel. The third series seems to have become lost in what is either a serious drama on the SOE or something of a Barbara Cartland novel. I have to see the last four episodes but something has really gone wrong and it is a wretched shame because it was so believable in the first two series. Now its wacky. In general though this is a first class wartime drama, far superior in its early series to anything else I have seen. I mean we have a real life Lysander here which was the aircraft type used during the war and that really is a first. Well shot but must have been expensive as a lot of vehicles and factories get blown up in a time before CGI. Julian Glover and Jane Asher do extremely well as the home front whilst Suzanna Hamilton is outstanding in the first series and Jane Snowden is good in the second series, both as radio operators, but JS is a victim of the weird plot in series three. Both these girls seemed to disappear from sight after Wish Me Luck which is a great shame.
    dzinn We enjoyed this drama, having found it in out local public library. We usually enjoy English drama. Was initially a bit put off by the potential violence. However, we really enjoyed the characters. We haven't finished it yet, but wanted to check on what others had thought. If you have the chance, rent it or see it. Very enjoyable. Good for Americans post 9-11.
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