Wife Swap
Wife Swap
| 07 January 2003 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
    AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
    Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    KaileyLady I've been a Lifetime fan for years but recently more and more bad films get added to the list. Now, they've added a horrible TV show entitled "WifeSwap." It's always on during the day. It has to be the most boring and pointless show created. It tries so hard to be emotional and then fails miserably at having a point. It displays horrible families who aren't close with one another and then adds another family which is the polar opposite. Then, miraculously they're both changed after a week and there are tears for reasons I don't understand. If they wanted to create a show about changing families, it shouldn't involve forcing them to be with another family for a week. What it really shows is just how ignorant people in America really are. Please remove this terrible series!
    JessPumpkQueen Remember that show on National Geographic Worlds Apart, where an American family went to live with another family, usually of a "tribal" culture, and then suddenly realized "holy cow, our lives are different!"? A little overdone, but it was actually a pretty good show. I wish they were still making it.Wife Swap is very similar in format, except, of course, that they stay in the country. And, instead of moving the whole family to live with another whole family, they just switch the wives.It's a decent show that would be a better show if it showed more versatility, but as it is, there are pretty much three kinds of episodes: the politically conservative, usually military, family and the politically liberal family; the stay at home mom who home-schools and smothers the kids and the working mom who doesn't spend enough time with the kids; and the very strict family who expects too much from their kids and the family that has no rules. There are variations, but they tend to be minor and they still end up fitting into one of these categories.This wouldn't be as big a deal if they didn't due 9 seasons of this. And it does get a little annoying when every other episode claims that the table meeting is "the most shocking table session yet", meanwhile, 90% of the time, the arguing is minor and they often end it with some level of tact.However, that is the normal reality crap. Those of us who watch reality TV know that it is contrived, faked, and the commercials are over-hyped. Yes, that's right, contrary to popular belief, most of us know this. I'm not sure it works in the context of this show, which is really more of a straightforward drama than train-wreck reality schlock. Despite this, the idea is still interesting. The idea of having to live someone else's life for two weeks is interesting to even the most content person. In that sense, this show is very good.
    Jackson Booth-Millard If you like reality shows, this is like one, except more documentary based. It is basically the ultimate test to see family behaviour around a new member. Every episode they take two families and swap the wives to join the other family. They always pick families that are completely opposite, e.g. one likes sport and is active, the other isn't. In the first week the wife has to obey the rules of the family that they are staying with, however different they may seem. This will obviously cause a bit of stress for the wife. Then, in the second week, the wives can change the rules for the family to obey, this will suit the wives to what they are used to. This will cause stress for the family. If you like family shows, this would be interesting to you. It won the BAFTA for Best Features, and it won the National Television Award for Most Popular Factual Programme. It was number 2 on The 100 Greatest TV Treats 2003. Very good!
    ChrisTreborn I am not from America and I know what 'Wife Swap' is. When a show came out of that name I was thrilled to see some cool glamorized sexual moments from the program. But what I got was a real sucking stupidity. I was misjudged by its title name, it has no adult contents, no nudity, not even vulgar dialogues (broad casted threw Hallmark channel and I think they edited/mute out such contents to make it neat).A show which gives a picture of current American/western family state, overweight chubby peoples, polluted teenagers, and their sucking family goings. In each episode two wives/two mothers (more correctly) were chosen to live in each others home and re-changes each others family routine with their new own rule. Sometimes its turns out to be good or more evenly bad. On the ending section each mothers are brought back with their husband and try to conclude what they did to each families past days. It's the sucking portion of the program were each contenders fights for their rights. I was sucked to see all of these instead of seeing some cool adult sex stuff. I mean who make this program, more than that who gave the name "Wife Swap"; its better to be called as "Mother Swap". All in all it corrupts all the great things the real Wife Swap stands for! Wife Swap = Average Sucking Reality Show.