What Not to Wear
What Not to Wear
TV-PG | 18 January 2003 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
    Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
    TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
    Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    Basias Wieliczko I really enjoy watching shows with the make overs, they truly change people's lives.In this show I do not understand all the dramatic and exaggerated comments from the hosts. Why are they so mean?? I really think that if you want to wear classy clothes, you need to behave so to match them. The hosts wear pretty clothes, but they talk like street dogs. There was a girl that liked wearing flip flops a lot - it was a favorite part of her wardrobe. The hosts got the wood chopper to the studio and threw all the flip flops in there. Which part of it was supposed to represent a constructive comment? I can imagine they had fun, and the show was great, but personally I found it really immature of them. I mean how would you feel if I took a part of your favorite clothing and use them to make beds for homeless dogs and ask you to help me (!) as that's the best I could think of?..and for the love of God, Stacey - please stop swearing, are you 16 to express your feelings this way?
    Jason McGee Before you choose to approve or disapprove of this comment, realize that I do not claim to speak for all men on the issue of fashion. All I can safely say in my introduction is that this show is hard evidence that the two genders really do show differences in the way we think! That out of the way, let's talk about What Not to Wear.When I first saw the show, I didn't really know what to expect. So I was rather surprised to see that virtually all of the participants were women. Figuring this just had something to do with ratings--after all, how many straight men routinely watch shows about fashion?--I decided to see just what all the hub-bub was about. And I almost liked the show, but there was one critical component that hit me very, very wrong: The $5000 gift card.To me, giving someone five grand to spend on nothing but clothes, sends women a message that there is nothing more important that a dollar can buy than a set of clothing--not her home, not provisions for her kids, not investment portfolios, not even food on the table. Now if they would give participants five HUNDRED dollar cards and had them buy the best clothes for the lowest cost, then I might understand. Perhaps they could teach the participant how to balance the need to maintain good finance with the desire to dress in good fashion. But no, they dish out the money like it grows on trees. Great lesson there. Not!Yes, this flaw completely does the show in. In a society that judges women almost entirely on how they look and very little on how they think, this show does nothing but enable that culture. If there are shows out there that praise the modern woman as intelligent, confident, and independent, What Not to Wear is not one of them.
    supermollie33 The author of the another comment regarding this show failed to mention that the men and women feel much better about themselves after their makeovers. It is not all personal style. Some people get stuck in a rut or have no fashion sense and really do not know how bad they look. No one wants to look bad no matter what their personal style is. The stylists always try to take the "victims" own sensibilities into account while updating them. Some of the people only dress bad because they do not have the money to spend on clothes, and if that were me, I would welcome $5000 and a chance to shop in NY. I do think they went a little crazy on the pointy toed shoes last season which I hate regardless of trend, but all in all the show is fun, and educational for people who are unaware of what shapes, cuts, and fabrics flatter their figures.
    15231 What a novel concept for a show! Let's follow someone around with a hidden camera, photograph her from unflattering angles, show the tape to two conceited fashion "experts" so they may make rude comments, grab the woman in front of her friends to mock and embarrass her while announcing that everyone thinks the poor woman dresses and looks terrible, root through all the clothing in the woman's closet, make demeaning remarks about each item, throw away the clothing, drag the poor woman around New York telling her to buy things that fit the "experts'" tastes, insult her hairstyle and force her to have it redone into something trendy, then stand her up at the end and expect her to say she appreciated it all.The cruelty in this show is appalling! Each of the victims of these "experts" in fashion had an individual look and taste that may not have been what every one else felt was most flattering to her, but it was what she liked. The woman is humiliated and forced into being remade into the current cookie cutter look that the "experts" like. Two episodes were enough for me.