| 18 August 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    Megamind To all those who have watched it: I hope you enjoyed it as much as I do.
    Edison Witt The first must-see film of the year.
    Yazmin Close shines in drama with strong language, adult themes.
    marina Watched this for about 15 minutes and although admittedly there were exceptions, the women on this show seemed without substance, asked about tips for getting "wifed up" (which included advice for women in the 1950s), showed a very submissive attitude towards their partner - and all in all, seemed like what you would expect some of these women to be like. It's hard to swallow (pun intended!) this kind of portrayal of women in 2016 - it is very demeaning and even the title of the show refers to their relevance solely through the people they have chosen to marry/date. A lot of insecurity is portrayed because at the end of the day, if all you have to bring to the table is your looks ... you're in a flimsy precarious situation, girl!!All in all, disappointed as a woman to see this show being aired. Not to say that we all have to be CEOs on TV but at least women with some accomplishments of their own (whatever those may be).
    atlasmb It feels like "WAGS", "Keeping Up with the Kardashians" and "The Real Housewives of (fill in the city)" will eventually consolidate and become one show.WAGS are the Wives And Girlfriends of Sportspersons. They socialize together a lot because they share a common bond, though they are continually drawing distinctions between the wives and the fiancées and the girlfriends, like there is a pecking order. This is supposed to be a reality show, but would they socialize with each other that much if there was no television show featuring them? I wonder the same thing about "Housewives". Basically this is a show celebrating women because they are in relationships with professional athletes. Therefore, they have access to plenty of money and they bathe in the glow of men who receive adulation due to their athletic prowess. People have asked if it's prudent to celebrate the Kardashians simply because they have become social media "stars". Like the Kardashians, these are attractive women. One can understand why some viewers might enjoy watching them live their pampered lives. Give the show credit for showing them at their worst (not because the producers are trying to show authenticity, but because the arguments and the drama draw viewers). They sometimes show the women without all the makeup, when engaged in ugly arguing, and when consumed with petty issues or their insecurities. Indeed, they live in a world where insecurity runs rampant and they are always under a microscope.I believe people can learn from the real-life drama of others, but this show feels more like a documentary about shooting a television soap opera. Part of that is due to editing. And part of it is due to the fact that the characters in this drama feel larger than life because money, fame, celebrity and beauty combine to make a cocktail that truly resembles a fictional storyline.