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  • Reviews
    Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
    Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
    RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
    Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
    Heidelberggirl The show was JUST getting started, and I was hooked. The next thing I knew, it was OFF THE AIR!!! I liked it so much I found the soundtrack to the series. I found the concept to be fascinating and absolutely plausible. SHAME on the networks that kill so many great shows before their time. The heroine was just about to find the answers to many of her questions when it was taken off the air. I would love to find out what happened and will do so if I can locate the DVD of the show. Hopefully, it will have additional episodes that will even out what I have already seen. This has happened to Buffy, Angel, Wonderfalls, Dead Like Me, Witchblade, just to mention a few!
    zaphirax This show was obviously made by someone that doesn't have the slightest clue about computers or Virtual Reality in general.Imagine this: You have a "state of the art" computer which is connected to a very old analogue modem, you know these antiques where you had to put the phone down on the modem with speeds around 2400/1200bps.This setup is then used to "connect" to unsuspecting peoples brain, i.e. you dial their phone and when they answer with a "hello?" you put the phone down on the modem, and BAM! you are transported in to their brain which happens to be another "reality" with some pseudo colors.How can anyone but complete computer illiterates find this believable?
    cinqorojo This show had the dark side and very cool visual possibilities wide open to it and made a great start at exploring both in its one and only season. I was very curious to see if it, unlike Alias and the X-Files (both of which I like nevertheless), could credibly sustain the intrigue surrounding the conspiracy-like back-plot of her father, the "organization" and just who she was working for, but then, of course, it got cancelled. In many ways this show staked out territory that Buffy was eventually able to mine more deeply (three cheers for Anthony Stewart Head, another link between the two shows) and, handled right and backed hard by a caring network, it could have developed into something like.
    zephyr8l VR5 is without doubt the best, most entertaining and thought provoking and compelling sci fi TV series i have ever seen, or can ever envisage being made.Despite being shown in the uk after midnight, it is the one show that could enforce insomnia.I regret that i only happened upon the series by luck, as it seems to have evaded all possible sources of reporting. i hope no other series as Outstanding as VR5 have suffered its fate. inexplicably anonymous.If this is ever repeated or you cna find a record, watch it buy it, treasure it.