Veritas: The Quest
Veritas: The Quest
| 27 January 2003 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Spidersecu Don't Believe the Hype
    Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
    Motompa Go in cold, and you're likely to emerge with your blood boiling. This has to be seen to be believed.
    Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
    kok_warlock One huge discovery every week, one week the wheel of something, the other the Holy Grail, a couples weeks some ancient lost civilization artifact in Antarctica all that combined with heavily action scenes that seemed to have been taken from Power Rangers plus bad acting, this show sucked a lot.I use all my strengh to see 7 episode, only because I downloaded all 13 episodes at once, but it was so bad that I couldn't see the rest, this show tried to be a lot of things, science, fantasy, sci-fi, history, action, comedy and drama, unfortunately, it was mediocre in all, the only thing this show manages to be is a waste of time.PS: It was pathetically funny to see the characters make some position before and after all the roundhouse kicks they made many times against their 'oh-so-powerful enemies', that bothered them everywhere, except in their 'base', funny to see how their enemies knew even their thoughts but not the location of Zond's batcave.
    pinkxacid Wow, I came across this show, aired late at night. Unfortunately, I only saw it from the second last episode, as I think there isn't another series. But, this show is one of the best I have seen in a long time. I'm not a sci-fi or fantasy type of person, but this show knocked me off my feet! Nikko, is a young, gorgeous looking boy, and I fell in love with him instantly, as I did with his also good looking father! It has a riveting storyline, is action packed and it is very different to other shows on TV. I cant believe they pulled it in the USA and that they showed it at 12.30pm here in Australia. I'm really going to miss it!!
    Hannah Pilypas Since i live in Australia, they played the whole first season of Veritas. I think its absolutely great, With Ryan Merriman playing Nikko Zond, who after being kicked out of another boarding school, finds out his dads job isn't as boring as he once thought. The end of the season was surprising, with Nikko appearing to have a bit of telekinetic powers, (you see this in the last 30 seconds of the last episode), and Vincent (Arnold, from the mummy! :P) plotting about Nikko with the funder of the Veritas foundation. Its great really, With Merriman playing another great role since pretender. I hope they made a second season... because i wanna know what happens!!
    Brigid382 I love this show! It's just pure fun and excitement. Each show is better than the last and I wait all week for the new one! Great acting and great story lines! I love the whole idea of the series. Ryan Merriman is a true star in this show and it shows how great an actor he truly is!