| 16 June 2015 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
    FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
    Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
    Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    Gil Unlike the other reviewers, I actually enjoyed the series. One person said the show was one level above fart jokes. Actually, it's right at the level as there is a terrific fart joke in the show. The characters are silly and exaggerated but made me laugh. Sorry to see it wasn't renewed but I am easily entertained by juvenile humor.
    Prismark10 Undercover is the first original comedy made by the channel Dave. Its produced by Baby Cow Productions (owned by Steve Coogan and Henry Normal as well as BBC Worldwide being a minority shareholder.) As Baby Cow tends to have a first look deal with the BBC and tend to make a lot of productions as well for Sky, I think its fair to assume that both broadcasters passed on this one.BAFTA award winner Daniel Rigby plays Chris a neurotic and hapless undercover cop who has had to infiltrate an Armenian gangland family. Sarah Alexander plays his handler Zoe who also has to resist his charms.Chris who only got the undercover role because of his Greek ethnicity is certainly all at sea with his dealings with the Sarkissians crime family as he seems clueless as to what is going on and there are some double crosses being plotted especially by Lara the femme fatale in the family.The sit com is mildly amusing but no great shakes. The cast do well with a so-so script. It is nice that a repeat channel is trying out some original drama but I think that mainstream broadcasters do not feel they are being left out.
    aroxysimon The show is based on an interesting plot, but as a comedy show it fails miserably. It seems as if the writers and the production staff had a completely different vision for the show. None of the characters can be taken seriously; and what's with the police lady and her crush on the spy - it just seems quite unlikely. Oh, and the accents just seemed so forced and unnatural. To be fair, I'm not well acquainted with the Armenian accent, but I'm pretty sure that nobodyyyyy talks like that. This show left myself and many others' disappointed and I sincerely hope "Undercover" is not renewed for another series for it honestly caused me great psychological pain!
    rita I think anyone who watches this show for more than 5 minutes will note its complete lack of creativity and humour. And that's not to mention, its questionable interpretation of Armenian culture. I was dying inside when that girl said all Armenian women do is cook food, in reality more women in Armenia graduate university than men. Also, Armenians living in Britain? I had no idea we lived there, lol. Anyways, I understand it's not a social documentary and I would excuse all its inaccuracies if it wasn't so painful to watch. Overall, anyone reading this review would do best avoiding this show simply because of its cliché and unfunny nature.