Trading Spaces
Trading Spaces
TV-PG | 13 October 2000 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
    Steineded How sad is this?
    Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
    Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    bregund I really liked this show when it started. Where else could you see grown men using a sewing machine and talking about "window treatments", when they'd rather be watching football on TV. It was hilarious. Then they dumped the beautiful and sexy Alex and hired that airhead bimbo Paige. Then they changed the theme music from bouncy and fun to what I call Starbucks Sleepytime. During its heyday, the TS forum at was extremely busy, a single day's posts would stretch over four pages. I think the show nosedived because the novelty wore off. Yes it was fun watching peoples' houses being ruined by overtly feminine male decorators, but then viewers started thinking "hey, they could be doing the same thing to my house...yuck" and they started tuning out. I hear this is the last season, well good riddance, it outlasted its welcome.
    Pepper Anne Another non-TV show. Actually, it's another commercial posing as a television show, but this one is a huge ad for Home Depot. Except, how are you supposed to go to Home Depot and seek out finds for home improvement ideas when this show tells you nothing about home improvement. This is another pointless form of nauseatingly cheap entertainment in which dumb twenty and thirty somethings scrap together some ugly (on occasion, something will look nice) furniture or wall coverings or something and destroy a perfectly nice room or house all for the sake of a contest. They ought to call it, how to turn your house into that generic coffeehouse style in less than a day.Unfortunately, shows like these have replaced once-legitimate home improvement shows like the ones Christopher Lowell or Lenette Jennings once had (I think they were on the Discovery Channel), two television craft show hosts with somewhat different styles who at least took the time to show you how to build something nice once in a while. But, as modern television prefers the generic twenty and thirty year olds and obliterate the obsolescence of careful redecorating instruction by forty and fifty year old hosts, I can see why Jennings and Lowell are pretty much no longer around.What's more is we have lost appreciation for a lot of other things. Even Lowell and Jennings were once in awhile architecture enthusiasts who would host a show from historic homes or something. Trading Spaces cheapens all of that and makes it one hundred percent impersonal. They don't show you how to make anything and why not, they're supposed to throw together a bag of popsicle sticks, glue, and some god awful gawdy colored paint, and call it an 'improvement' because that's all you can do when you have ten hours or whatever the arbitrary time limit is to work. Efficiency is emphasized over being practical, creative, and most of all, producing good craftsmanship.
    equipage ...and NOT a failure at all! As a matter of fact, this is one of the most watched shows on cable and all of those viewers are not wrong. Frustrating, maybe, but that is part of what makes the show compelling. Still can't figure out how Hilda became a designer of any reputation (at least not by anything she has show on T.S.) I love waiting for the reactions of the teams when their rooms are "unveiled" to them. I DO think Paige needs to be reminded from time to time that she is the host, and not a decorator, but occasionally one of the real decorators handles that problem on camera and MY frustration level drops considerably. This show should get a good, long run as long as there are enough neighbors willing to go through the adventure, which I'm certain there are! Happy Decorating!
    robona There is waaaaaaay too much b**ching, whining,complaining and DRAMA on this show. Trim it by a half hour it would be interesting to watch. Less arguing and more of the details and ideas shown would be nice, leave it up to the Americans to ruin a perfectly good show.