To Have & to Hold
To Have & to Hold
| 30 September 1998 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
    Lawbolisted Powerful
    CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
    Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
    shardawson Such a shame that this program was canceled mid-season. It was a great chick series! Such a romantic series with a lady lawyer and a policeman husband. The families were Catholic and very close. It was sort of a step-back in time for those of who remember when families were close and shared Sunday dinners along with great conversation around the dinner table. The acting was really great and the young couple seemed so natural and true. Did anyone else out there ever see this program besides me? I always seem to get hooked on programs that are canceled early on in the season and I know it is because I am the only one who watches the show.
    Leather To Have and to Hold is a rarity on network television. It's adult without being offensive or violent, yet a family could watch it together and not feel "talked down to." The stars are good in their roles and not incidentally nice to look at. Women (and perhaps some men, too) will find Jason Beghe quite a change from the usual male lead- he's a guy with hair on his (very nice) chest and some gravel in his voice. His co-star is equally attractive without being unattainable. The writers know what they've got as they rarely miss an opportunity to get the two of them in bed.
    Essayist This new show is a keeper. The two main characters are fresh, sexy, and exhibit a chemistry between them that can only get better as they work together. It will be fun to see her (an attorney) learn to be married to him (a policeman) as they also learn to deal with their new "extended" families. The show is real, it's fun, and it's interesting. Moira Kelly is 'Cutting Edge" cute.
    Kev22 "To Have & To Hold" is a well done new show airing on CBS Wednesday at 9 PM CST. Moira Kelly (of "The Cutting Edge") is wonderful, a sure bet for major stardom, as is Jason Beghe playing a recently married couple. He's an Irish cop, she's an attorney. The second episode wasn't quite as good as the fantastic pilot, but it's sure to get much better and become without a doubt, one of the best shows on television.
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