This Is Not My Life
This Is Not My Life
NR | 29 July 2010 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
    MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
    Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
    Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
    harshalagrawal03 Alec Ross wakes up on a bed he doesn't recognize, with a family he doesn't remember, inside a town that seems too peaceful to be real. As, he discovers more and more people that feel the same way, he tries to find the reason behind all of this.So, why this series is good? Because, some thriller series wait for the end of a season to reveal something big. This doesn't even wait for the end of an episode. And, if you blink an eye you will miss something. This is a very fast paced series with material of 2-3 seasons packed in one. Mysteries are fresh, creative and leads to more questions that will keep you guessing. Often with big conspiracies, everything is shown black and white. Our hero is portrayed as good and soldiers/employees of powers that be, are bad. But here, they have lots of gray area on both sides, which keeps the story realistic. Also, despite the plot being very huge, the writers of this show handled the script flawlessly. This series could have gone for 3-4 more seasons as many minor questions remain unanswered but the primary objective of season 1 was achieved so in a way it gives you closure at the end.
    ajhdettmer Another excellent Show sacrificed on the altar of quick buck is this one from New Zealand. While the core premise - one person finds himself in a surreal situation and uncovers the machinations behind it - is not new and was quite well presented in a couple older shows like the prisoner or nowhere man,this shows approach and storyline is as well thought out and written as the show invasion which tackled the stone old sf-theme of an attempted "alien" takeover. Which means the story is densely written,with interesting and believable characters and a down to earth sf-technology-approach that paints a very convincing picture of the near future. Like in invasion the writers avoid pointing fingers at an evil power behind the curtain that pulls all the strings. In fact it seems that individual ambitions in the management are tainting the middle class eden project here. Sadly we are literally left in the middle of nowhere with this show because it was not renewed for the second season and sold out to ABC - which is a known HQ-SF-Show killer btw.. "This is not my life" is easily the best SF that came out of New Zealand in decades. Kudos to all who were involved in making this show and shame on all who killed it.
    edumacated i've read reviews of this show by NZ viewers, and they seem surprised that such a show is produced in NZ. i hope that is because they are glad to see such good entertainment, and not because most of the NZ programming is rubbish. now, this is a well written show, well thought out and well acted. as said before, it proves that good programming is not dependent on cash, but on good writing, good actors dedicated to the project, and a good production team which is dedicated to the quality and authenticity of the makes no matter where a series is made, if there is intelligent use of existing locations, then with a small budget one can create an alternate reality, especially if it is not too far removed from the present.but the most important factor--just ask any competent actor--is the writing. in television, more so than film, the writing must be tight. a two-hour film allows for more fat in the dialog than a one hour show, but that being said, a TV series allows for more character development, but also invites--if poorly made--more filler without advancing the narrative and plot-line.this show is a tight project. i recommend it to anyone of above average IQ, and those who are burned out on the recycled plot-lines most producers fob onto their mass audience.most TV runs on the premise that cash is king, but not this one. somebody cared about this series, and thank goodness.
    mark-newman-1 I've only seen the first four episodes but if the remaining nine are similar then intelligent Sci-Fi lovers have finally found something to look forward to. Much better than the likable yet confusing 'Life On Mars.' More comprehensible than the silly melodramatic 'Heroes.' This TV series is from New Zealand so you'll have to be, erm... creative in how you get a hold of this series. I suspect that this will change, though, and world wide distribution will follow quickly.This Is Not My Life is an absorbing sci fi drama featuring Charles Mesure, Tandi Wright, and Miriama McDowell. It is set in the future in a Utopian leafy suburb of Waimoana in New Zealand.Don't let the fact that it's a TV program from NZ put you off. The production features some fine international heavyweights and UK viewers especially will enjoy this. The American fans of network TV are gonna be left wondering when the bombs and bullets are ever gonna start so they won't like this at all.The script is top notch and you'll have to listen to every word because there is no exposition thrown out for an inattentive teenage crowd.The clever placement of gadgets and gizmos are blended into the unfolding drama and not thrown in your face. The dialog is seductively menacing and at times chilling to listen to.Pencils and paper are things of the past. The 'greenies' and tree huggers won! 'Carbon credits' for driving and flying are a privilege and you'll get a stern finger wagging if you go overdrawn.The performances, direction and effects are universally solid. There was an annoying moment when the little girl was running down the hall away from her father and it was obvious to the dead that she was looking directly at someone and not where she was running, but maybe I'm quibbling.I'll leave you to figure out the story for yourself... much like the lead in the story is having to do! If you are a fan of John Wyndham then you'll ease right into this.My personal view is that if this standard of programming can sustain itself for the entire series then it will be as important for science fiction as the original series of Star Trek.If it loses direction, gets sentimental or silly then it will be forgotten very quickly.But for the moment I am for the first time in decades genuinely thrilled about watching science fiction on TV...