The Wendy Williams Show
The Wendy Williams Show
TV-PG | 14 July 2008 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    SunnyHello Nice effects though.
    ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
    Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
    Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
    sharpestaffing Wendy is so full of herself and is she a transgender or what? I agree with Nene Leekes Wendy simply "spews hate" It's so sad that Oprah's on cable. Wendy's show is not enlightening, uplifting; she is obnoxious, self-centered, selfish, and so full of herself. But generally speaking I keep a distance from people who watch content that sensationalizes the pain and disappointments of others. She learned nothing from Oprah. I dare even mention the queen's name in the same sentence with Wendy. She is so arrogant, and vicious. Who wants to hear news that hurts and destroys human beings lives. How would you feel if you had to break up with someone? Imagine that break-up plastered across national television with an uneducated, vicious, obnoxious, self-important, malicious, old played out giraffe goon getting her kicks out of your pain?
    icyharris-539-169904 You know how you're in the grocery store and either you're just bored or there's a shocking headline on the front cover of a celebrity magazine, you just gravitate toward it and thumb through the pages? Then, you put it back and figure, "How did I get sucked into this stuff? I have got to stop reading these celebrity mags." That's how Wendy Williams is. The difference is that, while she dishes on fellow celebs like TMZ, Perez Hilton and Radar Online, I don't think she does it in a mean spirited way. I feel like whatever she says on the show, she has no problem with saying to her target's face. She's sometimes on point with the advice she gives to celebs in trouble. She also respects her guests by not pressing harder than they are comfortable sharing. I'm always surprised who comes on, like Judge Judy, Dr. Phil, and Anderson Cooper, considering it's basically a gossip show. Underneath the treading carefully in what she says to appease a wide demographic, is a fairly conservative family woman. I also watch it to see what outfit she's going to wear next. She somehow manages to be sassy, but sophisticated and dresses appropriately for her age. I decided to read up on her and you can see that her formal education in communications shows. Maybe it's just that there is a very prominent person co-hosting another daytime talk show who is just ghetto in comparison, so, to me, Wendy shows us how it's supposed to be done.
    colunga13 I love the "Wendy Williams Show" because she's funny, she's entertaining and she gives great advice.She's funny because while she gives us the "scoop" of the day and she always adds some pretty good jokes. She makes the audience laugh and enjoy themselves making them comfortable.She lets the audience give their opinion on subjects she talks about She always gives great advice with the "Ask Wendy" segment where she goes tot he audience and she gives advice..pretty good advice too.And I always love it when the audience tries to do her "How you doin?" thing then she does it right back.I don't know why people are rating this show only 2 1/2 stars..this show is great! Absolutely love it! Definitely looking forward to more "How you Doin?" GO WENDY!
    Newsense Shows like this are exactly why I don't watch TV much. Why would anybody give Wendy Williams her own show? What psychotic freak thought this was a good idea. If you are not hip to who Wendy Williams is, she was a famous radio personality whose only claim to fame was spreading gossip on celebrities(mostly in the music industry). She found a fan base in the complete and utter morons from New Jersey and New York and has been the in thing ever since. Since then she has slammed by every rapper from the late Tupac Shakur(who bagged on her in the song called Why U Turn On Me) to Method Man of Wu Tang Clan and 50 Cent. The incident where she mentioned the health of Method Man's wife and he threatened to thump her into the ground is when people from Up North started to say maybe she isn't cool after all(she was never cool to begin with!). The show is basically her gossip column, what to wear, cooking recipes and interviews with celebrities. Thats it. There is no depth to her character, her coarse voice is annoying and she has the same lousy habit that Tyra Banks has with the constant talking about herself when interviewing guests. Most of the questions she asks her guests wouldn't be out of place on TMZ. Yeah, they are THAT thickheaded. She was obviously given her own show to keep the masses stupid. I watched half of a couple of episodes of this crud. Why half you say? Because her show is too boring to watch straight through. If you are in need of something better than a sleeping pill then watch this show. If you are looking to be entertained then you've definitely came to the wrong place. Even if you watched shows like this for entertainment reasons you will be bored out of your skull. I recommend steering clear of the garbage show though. PS: Am I the only one who thinks she has the cheesiest theme show music ever?