The Wannabes
The Wannabes
| 09 August 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
    CommentsXp Best movie ever!
    Married Baby Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
    Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    kitchona How to Watch: "The Wannabes Starring Savvy" Step 1: Recognize a solid kid show when you see one. "The Wannabes Starring Savvy" is lighthearted fun without being too sugary or too taxing on the nerves, which is not an easy thing to do in this age of Disney Channel fluff.Step 2: Sit back and enjoy. The premise revolves around five teens (Andrew Bowen Stern, Drew Reinartz, Shaylen Carroll, Alan Shaw and Mariah Parks), who are attending a stuffy performing arts school -- but what they really "Wannabe" is pop stars. The school's principal Mr. Pesckow (David LaDuca) has strict rules against such behavior and when the kids get caught jamming' in the lunchroom, he gives them a second chance by sending them to work after school at the local sweets shop owned by Mr. Moody (Steven Scott). Although he seems tough at first, Moody understands the kids' need to shake it up because he also has a tween daughter (Sarah Gabrielle LeMaire) who wants to perform. So, against his better judgment, he allows his daughter to join the others in not only cleaning up but also providing the shop with a little singing and dancing -- even if that means they have to wear crazy costumes to disguise themselves in case the principal stops by. You think dressing up as fruit might sound a little silly, but these guys nail it.Step 3: Remember this isn't rocket science."The Wannabes" doesn't pretend to be the best kid show ever, but its cast is a pretty hilarious mix of personalities, with some truly stellar vocal talents. There's plenty of catchy tunes and cool music videos, too, which, if done well, always brings added value to tween programming. Let's just say "The Wannabes" provides better entertainment than a lot of these tiresome kiddie retreads. The show is currently airing overseas but I think it's supposed to hit the States soon, so look out for it.
    dredpoet Despite what some might view critically (and also suspiciously in a personalized manner), The Wannabes starring Savvy is actually quite good. It's target demographic is late elementary school to junior high aged kids, so I believe any harsh review of it must be taken with a glacier of salt. It's humor is light-hearted, silly, and seems to have some moral lesson in each episode I've seen. Kids love it because IT IS FOR CHILDREN. It's music is not supposed to guest star 50 Cent or Lady Gaga, so if some adults find it simple, I guess they should. No accounting for taste or lack thereof. The amazing thing about this show is that it is done OUTSIDE Hollywood, independently, without networks (that rarely know a hit) or the over-scrutinizing eyes of so called "professionals" who are usually out of work, (Sour Grapes, anyone?), also the series creator and executive producer completed the full 26 episode first two seasons. Quite a feat, when so many shows barely get passed 10. For those of you interested in watching funny, light-hearted, family oriented TV, this is it.
    bernardwilliams Alas, the Wannabes. This is shaping up as a serious contender for worst show of all time. When I saw "The Latest Buzz", my mental state was fragile and I couldn't think TV could get any worse. Then, unfortunately, I viewed the Wannabes and The Latest Buzz is seeming so good an option I'd pay to see it. Let me be clear and to the point, if you plan on watching The Wannabes, I recommend that you use a stress ball and take out contents insurance because your TV may not survive the impact of your rage. I digress, and to the show itself, here are some of the reasons for how terrible it is. First, Doreen Spencer who also created Disney series The Proud Family is in charge of a lame script and the acting is nothing short of awful. One thing that really gets on my nerves is that the show is so bad that the creators attempt to cover up it's shortcomings by having the actors sing lame pop songs over and over again(for no apparent reason). Though, the worst thing that has to do with the show is the viewing audience. They laugh the whole way through and I didn't hear a decent joke in any of the miserable hours I put myself in when I watched this. Let me warn you that the audience laughs even when someone says something such as "Hello" or "I can speak in three languages" which isn't even intended to be funny. Either way you won't be getting any laughs out of this or anything for that matter.