The Upside Down Show
The Upside Down Show
| 16 October 2005 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Wordiezett So much average
    ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
    BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
    Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
    queen_of_anarchy Shane and David were well known to our family as the Umbilical Brothers - my two boys (now 14 & 16) absolutely adore them. When my younger son learned that they wanted to shoot an episode of a new children's show with his Brass Band he was ecstatic. Unfortunately the show first came to cable in Australia but has just started showing on the ABC at 8am and next Monday, 29th October 2007, will air "Marching Band". Both my sons were involved (although the older one just pretends to play the trumpet) & we are waiting, excitedly, for it to come on. I remember the day they filmed it was overcast and windy and that everyone's hats kept blowing off. But I didn't watch the filming - just dropped them off at the park then picked them back up again - so I'm really looking forward to next Monday morning.
    patrickmedberry Started watching this show with my 4 month old granddaughter (who basically smiles at the moving pictures) but I am hooked. Are these guys good!!! Absolutely hilarious. they are masters at pantomime and physical humor. Their trip to the art museum was too funny! Another time they were in the sticky room and stuck to the walls. Amazing. They talk to a fly, they have strange little fluffy things called schmuzzies for friends. you never know what will happen next. The show encourages children to be silly and have fun pretending. I now watch the show regularly and I am 56. I would love to know more about these guys. I hope this show becomes a HUGE HIT.
    nikki-starshine The Upside Down Show is probably the greatest children's show ever written...My three year old and I watch it together and the humor gets us both giggling uncontrollably...also, I must add that I heart Shane Dundas! It is hilarious and if people don't get the humor I feel sorry for them. I heart Shane Dundas! I heart Shane Dundas I heart Shane Dundas I heart shane Dundas I heart Shane Dundas I heart Shane Dundas! I wish there were more shows that adults and kids could enjoy together...I love the outright silliness. I was so excited about this show that I immediately got online to find out what else these two brilliant comic minds have done..I need to check out the umbilical brothers...I really need to convey that this show is so so so funny and interactive we love it!!!
    suziealec2005 My four year old daughter absolutely loves this show. Her forty something mother also loves this show. With its interactive remote control and the total silliness of the show, well it's just magic. I've seen the Umbilical Brothers live and their use of mime and film is very clever and very funny, so I was intrigued when I saw that were starring in a show for preschoolers. The great thing about it is that it doesn't talk down to kids and the hummer is intelligent as well as being completely off the wall at times. My daughter especially loves David and Shane and the schmuzzies. I think the beauty of the show is that you don't know what is going to happen next. Despite it being primarily targeted for preschoolers, there is lots of subversive hummer so that parents watching will enjoy it as well. Absolutely recommended.