The Trojan Horse
The Trojan Horse
| 30 March 2008 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
    Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
    Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
    Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
    sergepesic " The Trojan Horse" is a political thriller that surprises and disappoints on many levels. It has an original premise, Canada is joining the USA.And then the more and more blurred line between good and bad guys, and of course, the oil, cause of just about every war in last 25 years. The problem with this movie are the obvious, crude references to daily politics, and the people that we all remember with shudder. That just wasn't necessary, we would get the not so subtle message anyway. The world of power is a world of ruthless, disturbed people and they can't be trusted. I knew that for a very long time, but nevertheless I found this flick entertaining, but forgettable.
    jay-lees No spoiler needed to steer you clear of this...well, bizarre film. Canada becomes part of the USA. OK. So, I guess I'm unusual, but I expected something about the implications of Canada becoming part of the USA. Silly me. Continue with this movie and you are off to cloud coocoo land. The opening premise has nothing to do with the rest of the film in which you will (trust me) not care a squat for any of the characters. Slings and Arrows and Due South have to be among the most imaginative series ever. But in this case, Paul Gross, I'm so very sorry to say, didn't have a clue about making a coherent film and wasted a lot of talented actors in the process. A real disappointment.
    wvmcl I wasn't sure where this was headed until the ending. when it turned out that this was all a liberal conspiracy to hand the world over to European wimps and the United Nations. What a load of right-wing crud! Incidentally, the bit about Canada joining the US didn't really have much to do with the plot at all and the idea was never developed. The only point of it seems to be that it made the main character eligible to run for President(but they could have just made him American and dispensed with that). In any event, this was a load of bull and not worth your time. If you wan't to see this kind of thing done well, check out the brilliant BBC political thriller "State of Play."
    RLARKT199 Continuation of the mini-series,H20. Canada has joined the U.S. Canada has been divided up into six states. As for the former prime minister,Tom McLaughlin,things did not go the way he planned. He is out of a job. So,along with his cohorts and a few European leaders,he plans to run for president and bring down to U.S.A. He eventually meets his former wife,Mary,who is the head of the republican party and a Texas billionaire,they remarry,his plan is to use her. A newspaper reporter in the U.K. discovers his plan. Several assassinations take place, a lot of political intrigue. What makes this mini-series so interesting is could such a thing happen? Well lets examine a little history. Europe. All the European countries have joined and become the E.E.C. Why not Canada,the U.S. and Mexico joining together to form a North American union. If this happens,it would be many years in the making. Another point of interest,the woman who plays the information officer for the White house,in some ways she reminds me of Condoliza Rice. At this time,only fiction,but very well done. Mary,who plays Mary Miller,Texas billionaire is in real life the wife of Paul Gross.