The Surreal Life: Fame Games
The Surreal Life: Fame Games
| 08 January 2007 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
    TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
    Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
    Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    Dan Schear After appearing in this episode as a Judge for the "Best Scandalous Video" contest, then waiting 10 months to see this masterpiece air on VH-1 in January 2007, I submit my own review: "On what day did the Lord create 'The Surreal Life: Fame Games' and couldn't he have rested on that day as well?" I found that the Ron Jeremy video accurately represented the way Ron's adult video performances are today, "DEAD IN THE WATER!" There is no doubt Vanilla Ice's (aka Rob Van Winkle) and Andrea Lowell's use of Mini Me (aka Verne Troyer) made for the best hysterical video moment! This trio definitely deserved the first place prize. In hindsight, I sure wish I could have gotten to know more of fellow Judge Ali Masters who her boss & host Robin Leach proclaimed, "Star of 'Wild Party Girls'" because she was SUPER HOT sitting just to my left and I was HOT for her! But alas, Ali split the set before I could hook up with her! Boo-Hoo.
    caa821 I haven't actually seen an episode of this program (and won't see any in the future), and had known nothing about it. I caught it as it was being promoted, and with excerpts shown, on the TV Guide channel on my cable service, while checking the program schedule crawl.Never until now have I had any affinity for the rantings of those TV evangelists, and others, who are always predicting the impending appearance of Armageddon, and the end of our world and civilization.Even with all the crappy game shows, reality programs, Lifetime movies, "Golden Girls" re-runs, etc., inevitable on television today with the plethora of channels -- this show has to foretell the end of civilization as we know it.Porn actor Ron Jeremy, Vanilla Ice, Erik Estrada, and - heaven protect us - the ludicrous Tammy Faye (formerly Bakker, of PTL), under the "leadership" of Gary Coleman, this is a freak show which defies imagination.Further, this group then apparently engages in silly, inane activities, which would hold no interest if they involved, say, Brad Pitt, Harrison Ford, Robert Redford, Julia Roberts, and the like -- much this "D-list" grouping. Together they have less charisma than the late Jerry Orbach, or David Caruso, two actors whose moderate level of success has been achieved with little of that quality.I realize that the producer can probably obtain this entire lot, at cost for an entire season which would be about what Jerry Seinfeld or Ray Romano made for half an episode on their shows.However, I'd rather watch a half hour of either Jerry or Ray painting a wall, with no dialog, than this pathetic crowd. There is not a single element of any character or situation which has anything whatever to recommend it.
    a_l_i_e_n Easily one of the goofiest reality-type competitions ever produced, "Fame Games" has celebrities from previous seasons of "The Surreal Life" once again living together in a fabulous mansion. However, this time they're all there to compete in a series of events which will eliminate one of them a week until the winner is crowned at the end. Sounds like it should be fun, and granted, the amusing (and occasionally crude) shenanigans we expect when the celebrities interact still occur as when Tracy Bingham spends the night in Verne Troyer's bedroom. In fact, these two are funny enough to spin-off into a show of their own. "Stranger Love" maybe.What defeats "Fame Games" is the game show portion which is badly designed and, at times, downright cruel. Example: the first challenge had the stars posing for pictures requested by fans. The two receiving the fewest requests would be declared the losers, and watching this play out, one just can't help but cringe along with the humiliated celebrities who weren't being asked to pose for as many pics as the other competitors.  Competition losers get consigned to the "B List": a section of the mansion where the food isn't as good, and the perks not as perky. This wasn't really so bad though as it gave some of them added incentive to compete that much harder.The worst challenge of all was probably when the celebs were asked to phone as many famous friends as they knew to see how many would return their calls. After all the responses were received, an expert in pop culture came in to rank the celebrity status of the acquaintances who were nice enough to call back. This sent returning "Surreal Life" vet Vanilla Ice into another one of his infamous tirades, demanding all his friends be removed from the list as he didn't want them to suffer the indignity of being ranked. Particularly strange was the expert brought in to judge: she of the dorky glasses, former MTV VJ Kennedy was deemed qualified to determine which of the celebrities who called could probably get a good table at a posh restaurant. As a judge, it appeared that Kennedy was as intimidated by Vanilla Ice's rant as she was suckered by the tears of "Poor me, I don't know many stars", Andrea Lowell. After a very questionable job of name ranking, competitor Chyna Doll was sent home with the Fame Gamers (and viewers) left shaking their heads over the absurdity of Kennedy's rulings.Similarly strange, the decision of who would win the grand prize was left up to actress/comedian Kathy Griffin. While she may be well-known for her love of reality TV, choosing the winner based on completely subjective stuff like who, in Griffin's opinion, gave the better improvised acceptance speech and who was the better dancer, really felt like it negated the validity of the final outcome. And though it was nice to see Traci Bingham win, it seemed like a debatable choice next to her much craftier co-finalist, Ron Jeremy."Fames Games" wasn't a well-conceived show, and it certainly wasn't very concerned with the feelings of it's stars (after all, does C.C. Deville really need to learn that his name got the fewest hits on Google of anyone there?). If the producers are smart (and if this show is re-newed), they'll return to the traditional concept of The Surreal Life: a dysfunctional family of famous and quasi-famous people trying to co-exist for a couple weeks under the same roof. Now that's fun.
    Panamint The "Surreal Life" original series is usually watchable and entertaining, but "Fame Games" just doesn't work. Yes this is only supposed to be light entertainment, but it is not quite up to even that standard.Robin Leach is a good host. The idea of A-list and B-list is a good concept. However, the execution of the concept by the producers is not good. Not the stars' fault- the stars are fine. Joanie Laurer was unable to perform the hotel-room trashing, and she handled the situation with class. Vern Troyer was physically unable to participate in the same stunt. Vanilla Ice was clearly disturbed by the dancer in his bed, as rightly he should be as a married man and father (he went crazy but at least it livened up the show). Brigitte Nielsen was a good sport in the regular series, but she obviously did not buy into this insulting "Fame Games". No wonder she voluntarily left the show at the first opportunity.Three stars made the joint decision to put names in a hat rather than "choose" who does the game show, thus not participating in the dumb "choosing" idea wanted by the producers. I applaud these stars for their deft handling of the problem. Some setups just don't seem to go over very well. For example, Vern and others had problems with the segment that had them all calling other celebrities.Stars quitting the show, stars not participating. Tells you how bad the producers have set up this show. Disappointing for Surreal Life fans.