The Strange Calls
The Strange Calls
| 16 October 2012 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
    Nonureva Really Surprised!
    Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
    Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
    dugdal I loved the series and can't imagine anyone who could watch without laughing! I am no fan of "Hot Fuzz" or that type of humor however the majority of the humor in this series is witty enough to actually be funny! The 'strange' is the best part! I think I can say that the show seamlessly weaves together spoofs of some epic classics in a manner that is unique, brilliant, hilarious and genuinely entertaining! Plus the characters are quite well developed and portrayed, especially Toby but also the "strange" characters and entire cast IMO! I agree the budget could have been increased yet I never found it lacking... the show would be ten stars if there were more episodes/seasons and a bit less of what I consider unsavory language/humor (though to be clear on that last thought it was still so much better than so much of the 'popular' shows out there... short stints and not nearly as much to endure, also more relevant to character and not just crammed in to gain ratings of the skin flick seekers, which is definitely refreshing) Overall this show is a rare little jewel, so sick of overdone nonsense and glad to find this! We all laughed and enjoyed it then disappointing to see it just ended! Looked it up here to see if new seasons were coming and find it doubtful. I am intrigued to see the "Strange Calls" movie (2015) but the main character, Toby Banks, is played by a different just won't be the same without the original lovable Toby!
    concours-13531 Not sure where all the great reviews come from. While I'll give you the show is quirky and different that doesn't necessarily relate to good. For me the comedic timing for the most part was way off and the acting as well.I'm guessing there was a reason why it didn't last more then the number of episodes that it did. I guess there will always be someone that likes this type of production but it sure wasn't our crowd.I'm guessing that this was someone's first attempt at writing and or producing as it had the feel and look of an amateurish production throughout the series. As well I am also not sure why IMDb requires so many lines of text for a review. Sometimes less is more in my opinion.
    Fortune_Sparkles I really like this quirky little show. I hope they make more but it doesn't look like it.The show revolves around a young man who is a cop that is given an assignment in the boondocks. The residents of this location are a bit eccentric. Therefore, the calls he receives are out of the ordinary. When I say eccentric and out of the ordinary, I mean the type you only find in the Twilight Zone. However, even though the calls are strange they turn out to be hilarious.For example: A man eats so much chicken he turns into one, A commercial jingle hypnotizes people into mowing lawns continuously, A long dead murderous cat comes back and continues his serial killing where he left off.I found this show on Hulu so I watch the episodes over and over.
    kuuk3 The first thing that hits you upon watching the pilot is how strong their accents are. You know instantly where this is set and the tone of the show. To label it as a comedy would be inaccurate, but thats the closest genre it fits in. There is no laughter track, and the music is subdue. You can tell they are trying to be funny with the situations and plot, but then the ruin it with ridiculous character actions that a police officer, or even a fellow human being would not do. It feels very much like a Tuesday afternoon cable TV show, shot on a tight budget with a limited cast and crew. The beach surroundings are given limited screen time, as shooting at night they found was cheaper and had less problems. Thats fine, I suppose. But makes the show dark and the world quiet. Its hard to get absorbed into a world that you barely see or hear.But our main character is barely interesting enough to hold your attention, being depressed for most of his scenes. His night guard / partner has his moments though and together they make the show watchable. But the way they portray the police department is embarrassing at times and how they disrespect their fellow officer is not funny. I will say this show deserves a chance. Watch the pilot and decide for yourself whether its your cup of tea or not. I have to give the show a rating, but honestly this is one of those shows thats like marmite. Some people will love it, while others simply wont "get" it. But it ticks a lot of the right boxes and you can see the people making this have ambition to at least try and make it work.