The Ron James Show
The Ron James Show
| 25 September 2009 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Linbeymusol Wonderful character development!
    Supelice Dreadfully Boring
    pointyfilippa The movie runs out of plot and jokes well before the end of a two-hour running time, long for a light comedy.
    Hattie I didn’t really have many expectations going into the movie (good or bad), but I actually really enjoyed it. I really liked the characters and the banter between them.
    Jodie Pieters That audience is not me but I'm not saying that this is a bad show or whatever. My dad watches Ron James do his stand up comedy routine on Just for Laughs or whatever stand up comedy shows it is that he does and enjoys him very much (I do not, to me it just seems like a little guy talking really fast and combining big words and concepts with a 'Newfie' accent to seem funny when he's not really saying much at all). My dad doesn't like this show The Ron James Show either I should point out but my point is that there definitely would be people who this show is made for.Some of the clips on this show are really bad. Little Ronny is painful to watch and so are most of the live skits they do. The stand up is the most bearable part and probably almost half the show is stand up but as I said that has a certain audience and it is not really me. I give it a 3.
    firoeske This show is painful to watch. It is not at all funny. I really have nothing else to say because I don't want to think about the show at all to write about it! It is an old guy telling really bad jokes and doing really bad skits. There is animation that you watch for a few minutes then it ends and you say why did it end? How can you tell it is even over, there was no middle even, just him talking for a while and then the skit ends, no jokes or anything. What is the point of this show? Can anyone have a show on Canadian TV? Where's my show, I would like a show where I don't even try to tell jokes and just put in the sound of people laughing when obviously no one in real life would actually laugh at this useless stuff.
    balbindersmith I liked Ron James's stand up special but this show is so awful it hurts. One of the worst shows I have ever had the displeasure to sit through. I have seen three episodes so I feel I gave it enough of a chance, this show is just awful. I will not be giving this show another chance, it has already taken enough of my precious time away. Apparently I have to write more lines for my review to have enough, the sketches are awful. None of them have been funny, not a single one. Also Ron James has done a good stand up special before (like I said already) but his stand up in this show is not very good either. I don't remember laughing one single time while I was watching this show, maybe not even a smile, I don't remember being entertained at all for one single minute. It is an awful show, easily as bad as Royal Canadian Air Farce.
    Michelle Kay This show is horrible. Ron James is okay as a stand up comedian I guess, my dad likes him and sometimes on his stand up comedy specials he had jokes that were funny but his TV show is just horrible. The jokes are all really bad. Even the parts where he does stand up it is just awkward and not very funny, like he is just talking to fill up time because they don't have any good sketches to do. The sketches are all really bad, not funny at all. He does one thing where he plays a little kid, I guess it is supposed to just be funny visually because he is an old man playing a kid who grabs his crotch a lot etc but it just is really unfunny. This show is terrible and the CBC needs to put better shows on that younger people might find funny instead of putting the same old people on TV all the time.