The Playboy Club
The Playboy Club
TV-14 | 19 September 2011 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    ChicRawIdol A brilliant film that helped define a genre
    Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
    Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
    Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
    jmb286-177-784931 This show definitely started off to a rocky start, but the more we see of all of the supporting cast, and all the other girl's stories, the better it gets. All of the women thus far are charming, and the new inclusion of Cassidy Freeman is fantastic (she was one of he best actors on Smallville). I'm also very intrigued to find out where the "in the closet support group" is going. I'm finding that pretty fascinating, and it's being handled very well. Both The Playboy Club, and Pan-Am seem to be geared more towards women, and there empowerment, but i'd argue that the playboy club is a little more "fun" to enjoy. I truly hope the show stays adrift, and encourage you to watch!
    Scott_Mercer I'm about to be cynical and dismissive, but since the producers of this show have been lurking in those same waters then I feel no compunctions about returning the favor.The main character is a total Don Draper analog, and many of the social issues woven into the fabric of the ongoing serial plot are identical to the social issues exploited on "Mad Men": women's lib, race integration, closeting of homosexuals, commoditization of sex, and on and on. And that was just on the first episode! Yes, this is all, daring, cutting edge stuff for a network drama...or at least it would have been if this show came out before "Mad Men." Let's leave out the cynically gross amount of product placement inherent by Playboy Enterprises, up to and including the very title of the show itself. (Gee, I hope "Pan Am", another show picking through the "Mad Men" gold mine this season, is a little better.) I have to place most of the blame on the producers and the network for greelighting this. The actors are just trying to do a job, same with the writers. This thing is just flawed from the ground up. I appreciate the try, but it just comes across as a pale shadow of a successful TV drama. Hey, I know that's how the entertainment industry works: success breeds copycatism. That doesn't mean I have to like it.
    georgigems I thought from the previews that this show had some potential. What a turkey! The writing was so bad that it seemed like a first draft of a high school project. The acting was even worse. A total waste of time. Every character was plastic and most slept thru their lines and parts, except Eddie C who could have phoned his in. Having had some experience in the real world of the Playboy clubs , this wasn't even authentic. No bunny flirted with customers, you were simply a pretty waitress and the bunny mother made sure there was no fooling around and rules were strictly adhered to. This show is a joke! Early cancellation would be a mercy killing.
    dwallxx Don't waste your time with this one. Hopefully they cancel it soon. Moves to slow, no action. Maybe chicks will love it but not for guys.I was expecting a lot more action, but it didn't happen. Their are much better shows on at this time than this one.It is not one I will say why did they cancel and can they bring it back.Acting is OK, but the script sucks big time. Needs more action than it has, lame show if you ask me.hopefully they replace it with something better than this and soon.I don't know what more I can say about this crappy show. I hope it goes off the air soon and something else replaces it.