The Man Show
The Man Show
TV-MA | 15 June 1999 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
    Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
    Glimmerubro It is not deep, but it is fun to watch. It does have a bit more of an edge to it than other similar films.
    Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
    S.R. Dipaling One reviewer described this as a show that made fun of women,particularly the wives or girlfriends of the hosts,Jimmy Kimmel and Adam CArrola. While the women in the show aren't spared the ridicule,I felt like this show was as much a debasement(all in fun,of course)of men and what appeals to males in general. The first four or five seasons of the show were fun,albeit not the kind of fun you'd proudly announce you enjoyed to mixed company. Jimmy and Adam have a relaxed comedic style and the show kept the material breezy enough that the sexism was obvious and fairly easy to dismiss. The last season or two with Joe Rogan and Doug Stanhope I barely watched,as it seemed barely watchable. My question about that was:why was the show still on Comedy Central? Neither Rogan or Stanhope are funny and the dumb,loose-necked sketch comedy was replaced with mostly "Fear FActor" style gross-outs and a mean-spirited approach to their chauvinism. My opinion of course.As said before,hardly the hallmark of great television,but if you enjoy dumb comedy mixed with healthy doses of ribaldry,this show works.
    culwin The bottom line: this show is not funny.Other than beer and women, there is not much that makes this show a "man" show. And despite your feelings on the political incorrectness of the show, the main thing is that it is very lame entertainment. It is rarely funny, even in a stupid way. It seems pretty obvious that Adam and Jimmy just contrived this show as a way to get a paycheck, drink beer, and hang out with hot chicks. Great fun for them, but why would we want to watch?? I'll be happy when Comedy Central stops showing this dreck.
    amcornelius74 I'm not surprised in this PC world that almost everyone has forgotten the meaning of the word "sarcasm". That is mainly what "The Man Show" is: a blatant attempt at sarcasm to shock and horrify, but in all cases, it's pretty harmless, much like a well placed whoopie cushion."The Man Show" is a glorification, for lack of a better word. It is the glorification of men who like a cold beer, a succession of fart jokes, a display of midgets, and, last but certainly not least, girls on trampolines. It screams "WE'RE HERE, WE'RE PIGS, AND WE'RE NOT GONNA CHANGE!!". At least, when the girlfriends/wives aren't around, as Jimmy demonstrates. Yes, ladies, your men ARE engaging in dirty jokes at the office, beer binges after work, and (this is for my sister-in-law in particular) sneak-peeks at "Lexx" when you leave the room. I have a feeling that the same women who jump and scream about "The Man Show" are the same ones that would sneak off to a Chippendales review at the drop of a hat, but that's just me.Not only is "The Man Show" a glorification of "typical juvenile male behaviour", it also relishes in making fun of the very lifestyle it is putting on a pedestal. On a recent Labour Day episode, Adam and Jimmy decided to salute the American Stripper "G-String Divas"-style and the guys in the audience were THRILLED, until the clip showed MALE strippers, with Adam and Jimmy as the stars. A big "Ha Ha" to all the guys who thought they were gonna get their jollies off.Before anyone goes on again about "women being used as sex objects", please, it's old. The human body is an art form and if the Juggies feel comfortable dancing around for the audience's entertainment, more power to them. I find some pretty good ideas for risque Halloween or bondage costumes from the Juggies. And since I'm on the subject of women, the only ones they attack on the show are the women I love to hate myself: the ladies who feel that it is their husbands JOB AND DUTY to pay for all her wares and shopping sprees while she refuses to work and sits at home watching Oprah all day. My hubby and I have separate jobs and bank accounts. We are financially independent from one another while still living in a union. To me, THAT'S what feminism is about. Anyway, I'll get off my soapbox long enough to say that the segment of "What Are These Broads Thinking?" was pretty funny and apart from being in the "woman's natural habitat: THE MALL" which might offend some women, the questions, such as "Who's your female hero?" and "Why all the shoes?", were pretty well thought out and successful handled by the unsuspecting females.If this show isn't for you for whatever reason, do us all a favour and shut off your television. For the fans out there who get it, including my mother and mother-in-law, it's an unadulterated assault on the senses and funny bone, if not a little on the mind.
    neophoenix This show has to be the worst television show I have ever seen. South Park has pushed the limits of crude humor, imho, but this show goes miles farther. Women on trampolines, scantily clad twenty-somethings who proudly bear the collective label "Juggies", and plentiful midgets are wrapped with the celebration of those humans who bear a Y chromosome and who have a collective intelligence that falls somewhere between an ashtray and a pickle jar. Hey, I'm a guy and I find this show personally offensive. The show's only merit are the man-on-the-street pranks, which I enjoy on almost any show. I cannot believe the FCC allows this atrocity to be broadcast. This show's only power behind it is the on-going hype-generated 'war' between men and women. Why must we participate in such an arbitrary argument?