Masterful Cinema
Absolutely the worst movie.
Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
I saw this show on the Internet as a kid and I liked it! Then I watched it again as a teenager and...I still liked it! I honestly think it's really good for an '80s cartoon based off an '80s video game. The animation still holds up (to me anyway) and the voice acting is good too.But let's talk about why people hate it:
Link. In this show, he's portrayed as a 20-something, pun-making guy that gets off on fighting and is always trying to get Zelda to kiss him (instant classic, I know). Honestly, I'm still not bothered by this change. Now does it represent Link well at all? No. But do I care? No. It's just supposed to be this fun, corny show for kids that play Zelda a lot (or at least, that's how I see it).I love Zelda a LOT, and this show didn't change that. In fact, I think it added something. So if you like '80s cartoons and video games, give this show a little look
Matt Otter
Guess fans of the game hate this, but I'm the other way around (well, I don't hate the game). Grew up in the Nintendo era but never got much into the game Zelda, just wasn't for me.While I can understand people being upset that a source material they cherish didn't play out in another form of media the way they would've liked, I still say giving this cartoon a "1" and throwing a fit is a bit ridiculous.I can't speak to how faithful this is to the game, however I couldn't wait for Friday to come home from school and watch this show.If you can watch this show as it's own thing I highly recommend it, the animation is great, for the most part the voice acting it great - however, I didn't like that they made Gannon such a goofball so often, it really killed his menace, but there are great moments between Zelda and Link that get sorta deep despite the shows comical premise, wish they had made more.
It's a shame not many shows are as good as this nowadays. This show has it all. Gripping plots, amazing writing and super awesome music! I got the whole show for free as a powerup reward from gamestop a few years ago. I will never sell it because I love it.Story: Even better than the Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess plot combined.Animation: It's as if Jesus himself animated this before he died.Music: My favorite song is the one that just plays in the show every five seconds. Voice Acting: Well exuuuuse me, princess!9/10 super special awesome
Cartoon King
I'm a big fan of Nintendo's classic series of adventure video games "The Legend of Zedla". And when I heard that they did a cartoon series about it, I'll admit I was actually really wanting to see it. But when I finally looked it up on YouTube, I was greatly disappointed. This show was just cheesy, campy, annoying, badly scripted, dull and overall terrible. Here is a short list of things that are wrong with this show:1. Link - In the games Link was meant to be a heroic, brave, and strong hero who would do whatever it takes to protect Princess Zelda and The Kingdom of Hyrule. In this show he is a cocky, smart-Alec, stubborn jerk who only does these things so he can get Zelda to kiss him. Plus he has an annoying catchphrase of "Excuuuuse ME, Princess!" which he says constantly in almost every single episode. I have no problem with catchphrases, but Link takes his annoying catchphrase way too far.2. Bad plots - The episode plots are too dull and uninteresting. The games had great, well-thought-out, original, and epic story-lines, but in this show we get Link turning into a frog, The King of Hyrule building a water park, and Zelda falling for another guy. This show would have been much better if it had a story-arc, or a more serious and dark setting.3. Spryte - Spryte has gotta be one of the most annoying characters in cartoon history. She's obnoxious, has an irritating, squeaky, high-pitched voice, and fails to do a good job at what she is meant for: comic relief. Her jokes are cheesy and terribly unfunny.4. It's just plain dull - The worst thing about this show by far is how dull and effortless it is. You can tell the writers and directors didn't care if it was a good show or not. Because this show is repetitive, dull and boring. It's not interesting or exciting in any way, the action scenes are short, predictable and boring, the stories (as I already mentioned) are cliché, and not very Zelda-like, and the comedy portions of the show aren't funny in any way.This show was just awful. It was unfaithful to the games, it was predictable, dull, boring, uninteresting, annoying, and just stupid. "The Legend of Zelda" is one of the worst cartoons of all time, which is ironic as the Zelda games are some of the greatest video games of all time.Rating: 1/10 "Horrific"