The Invincible Iron Man
The Invincible Iron Man
| 01 September 1966 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
    Dorathen Better Late Then Never
    ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
    Clarissa Mora The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
    WakenPayne I have seen nearly every episode this is almost exactly like the comics they even say the dialog word for word they portrayed Mandarin right and Tony struggling with their relationship between Harold Hogan and Pepper Potts (Rhodey wasn't invented at that time) I like this show with the villains: Crimson Dynamo (1st and 2nd), Mandarin and Titanium Man. Iron Man is a good show I have seen many episodes I like this show I think 6.5 is an accurate rating I like it I 1st saw this show after the movie because that movie got me into comics and I wanted to see more of Iron Man because at that time he was my favourite. I am pleased with itRating: 10/10
    jonm11100 I managed to find a copy of the original '66 Marvel superheros DVD set featuring Iron Man, Captian America, The Increidible Hulk, The Mighty Thor and Sub-Mariner, Prince Namor of the Deep. It's awesome. Talk about bringing back memories. I was 9 years old when this series first aired on TV. It's true there is very little animation but I kinda like the fact that they tried to make it like the comic books. I think my all time favorite though is the 1967 Spiderman series. When I was a kid i NEVER missed that on Saturday morning. The cheesy made it better to me! If you are a nostalgic person like me, it would be worth your while to find a set of this series. I don't think i've seen it on TV since the 60's.
    Nic_hse The one thing these 1960's Marvel superheroes cartoons have over the latest Marvel cartoons is that they are more true to the comics. They take little creative liberties with the source material and Iron Man has that comic book feel. The animation is sparse but that was likely intentional to emulate the comic book.Don't listen to the other reviewer that says that Iron Man's theme song is cheesy. He then says that the Spiderman theme song is good. Lets compare the songs, Iron man has the line "Tony Stark makes you feel, he's a cool exec with a heart of steel...". Spiderman has the line "Spiderman, Spiderman does whatever a spider can. Spins a web any size, catches thieves just like flies....". I fail to see how Spiderman's theme song is any better or less corny than Iron Man's. Both were sung by the same people and in similar style, so it makes little sense to say Spiderman's song is great and Iron Man's isn't. Now since that nonsense settled, check out Iron Man it's worth checking out at least once. It did the comic justice.
    Big Movie Fan Whilst the animation for this cartoon is inferior to today's cartoons it made up for it's simplistic animation with top notch stories.Iron Man was one of my favourite superheroes. Tony Stark was an ordinary man who became near invincible when he put on the suit of armour. Once he donned the iron suit (which wasn't iron at all but actually a super metallic alloy) he could pretty much do anything from flying to picking up heavy objects.The series was entertaining much like other Marvel cartoons from that period and the stories were very well written.Check it out if you can. Just ignore the cheezy theme tune (with the exception of the 60's Spider-Man cartoon, 1960's Marvel cartoons had real cheezy theme tunes).