The Guest Book
The Guest Book
TV-MA | 03 August 2017 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    VividSimon Simply Perfect
    Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
    Roman Sampson One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    chrisdye-62271 OK I watched the back to back episode of this show and one I really liked however the other episode had a rather rude confession scene mocking God but on the flip side I seen other episodes since that one and have really enjoyed them and they have managed to keep getting funnier as the show moves along as of now my favorite episode has been the one with 'jamie presly' now that's the kind of laughs I wanted from the begging
    Charles Herold (cherold) Since this is apparently an anthology series, it's perhaps unfair to judge the series based on an episode whose main characters won't be seen again. But I found the episode so off-putting - not for the acting but for the writing - that I can't bring myself to watch another.In this episode, a man and his wife spend a weekend in a rustic area and encounter difficulties. Danny Pudi plays the husband as likable and put upon. Lauren Lapkus plays the wife as a shrieking harpy.There are problems with this. First, it's not fun to be around a shrieking harpy. Second, it's not funny, it's just straight up irritating. And third, the whole nice guy/monster wife thing feels like something from a previous era when the "battle of the sexes" was a thing. I hoped that at some point the episode would show sympathy for the wife, who is a frazzled new mom, but no, she's just awful.It's not that Pudi's character is better than her; he's pretty much a scumbag. But it's one of these shows that creates sympathy for the awful man by telling things from his perspective. Oh, poor guy!If they were both shrews, then fine, it could be funny. If they were both struggling and prone to miscommunication but ultimately human, fine. But this ... no.In general, nothing was all that funny. There was the occasional moment, like a lap dance interrupted because the room is a supply closet, but I rarely laughed.I loved Garcia's My Name is Earl and Raising Hope, so I might have given this show another chance if it wasn't that his most recent series was the abysmal The Millers. Whatever Garcia had, I think he's lost it.
    wildsparrow16 I am a huge fan of Wrecked, and some other TBS shows, but this one was a miss for me. I loved My Name is Earl, so I thought I would like this, plus the premise seemed like it could make for a funny show. But it is not. The characters are obnoxious, sleazy and not particularly funny. I may give it one more episode - maybe. But this show makes me want to take a shower because the characters are just so scuzzy.
    tamalagreen-50537 I enjoyed the first two episodes and look forward to see where this is going. Great cast of characters and actors. I like the unique way there are reoccurring characters and new characters every show. It definitely has Greg Garcia's signature style. If you like "My Name is Earl" you'll probably like this one too.