The Great American Road Trip
The Great American Road Trip
| 07 July 2009 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
    Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
    Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
    Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
    Dushan Knezevich When I saw the title of this show I was intrigued. I have been planing a road trip across the US for some time now and I thought this would give me some ideas. I was completely wrong.This is awful, intelligence insulting piece of reality television and that says a lot.Basically the idea behind this is something like:Get X number of families from across the US. Do a psych profile on them and than select loud, stupid and most awful stereotypical Americans and than give them each an RV and set them on their way. God forbid you select someone educated and/or with a common sense.And than every XY miles give them a challenge! Challenges include running through bushes, caring big wobbly head, and competing in cleaning the RV sewer system. I mean God was this ridiculous! My IQ dropped 5 points after watching this.I will just give you an example of this charade:" -Come here join us. -I didn't wanna botha' ya's -You didn't wanna what? -I didn't wanna botha' ya's -Botha' ya's -Ya's, you know more than one ya's -Y' mean y'all -No, it's ya's -Down in Alabama we say y'all! -It's ya's. I never used y'all in my life!" (and than music of a duel fades in)And this crap goes on and on. They are constantly surprised how some other family is doing things. Or thinks. Or where they are from. -Why do you guys read? -You mean what do we read? -No, I mean WHY do you read?orYou guys are from up north!? Woooow...or-In New York we call 'em just fries, not liberty fries. -Y'all crazy!I mean I could go on and on about this...To this happy bunch add a show host with charisma of a blind snake and you got your self a "Great American Road Trip". I mean I know that reality TV is not the smartest type of television out there but this is getting ridiculous.