The Goode Family
The Goode Family
| 27 May 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
    Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
    Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
    Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
    Juaqino I'd like to say something nice about this show before I say something bad about it. First off, I love the idea of this show. It's basically the reverse of Mike Judge's previous shows such as the hilarious Beavis & Butt-head and the somewhat funny King of the Hill, which poked fun at rednecks and idiots. The Goode Family instead pokes fun at P.C. environmentalist liberals. This is an idea that I have not seen anywhere else, and in reality it should make a great show.But it doesn't. Much of the humor falls flat. I don't know how else to describe this show, but it's just not that funny. It has it's moments, but so far it's been disappointing to me. Mike Judge is better than this. This show has a lot of potential, but in the first season it certainly hasn't met that potential.However, I don't hate this show. I want to see it succeed because I still like the idea and want to see Mike Judge make a terrific show. Fortunately I think it's been picked up for another season, so we'll wait and see what happens.The show isn't bad enough that I won't watch it. The upside is that it's not obnoxious, like King of the Hill sometimes was. Though The Goode Family isn't great, I'm still hoping it will get better. It still has time to fix it's previous flaws. It could even become as good as Daria was(which was a spin off of Beavis & Butt-head).I give this show a 5 because it's worth watching, but just barely.
    Buckywunder I only discovered "The Goode Family" (TGF) this past week and have been gobbling up past episodes with abandon through YouTube. What a hoot they are. Nobody remembers that the term "political correctness" was actually coined by the Left before it was hijacked by the GOP and the right-wing in the late '80's. Originally it was meant as a humorous check on ourselves and a term of endearment and self-mocking rather than the derisive put-down of others it mutated into. I like to think that TGF is a continuation of that gentle spirit of PC which softens the edges of political rhetoric that can cut deeply and easily alienate. Episodes around the politics of being a "football family," public radio, One Earth food stores (a stand in for Whole Foods), eco-terrorism, graffiti tagging and cult icons of frugality and consumer waste hit many of the right spots. For someone who has spent the majority of his adult life in Madison, WI, New York City and Seattle, WA while visiting Portland/Eugene, OR and Berkeley, CA, these shows really do touch on life in these communities no less in need of skewering than people in suburbia or Texas. While I wouldn't say that the series is yet a subcultural must-see, it bears watching and deserves getting picked up and given more time to develop. TGF reminds me of the first season of Seinfeld where they were just getting characters and themes established. While not as out-and-out shocking and stupid (in a funny way) as Beavis & Butthead, TGF is clever and there is some potential here for very good humor.
    tommypezmaster It ruined my life. One of the main problems is probably that The Dialog, Writing & Scripts are simply is not all that funny. Beavis & Butt-Head was pretty good, but this show just does not do it. It is not only almost as worse as other inappropriate animations like This Just In and World of Quest, which are both poorly written and simply unfunny, but it is also close much worse than Chalkzone, Will & DeWitt and Squirrel Boy, all of which I cannot stand. Could be funny if it was completely revamped and they took on some other writers.OK, what in the ABC is this, the first chance I gave it was mildly OK when I turned out in the second episode OK too and the rest of the episodes, it's plain horrible. Like this show is weird and and the show is creeps me out. Like in some kind of a episode is all about a group of Nazi prisoners, in after the second break, the angry cop is so angry, and his dialog, I have one thing to say about that idea: disgusting.OK it's all about a stereotype vegan father named Gerold and his family who share a house a Doomageton-spoofed old man who want to sit in the same place in the living room, they live in a dull city called Greendale. The episodes wasn't so family friendly after all like they just make a lot of people angry. like This Just In & Chalkzone, the plot is pointless.Animation: The animation is in King of The Hill style, but it is hand drawn?Characters: There OK, but they doing rude & evil thing.Humor: The humor isn't very goodVoice acting: It was OK....Plots: Pointless....Overall: Poor King of The Hill style animation, poor humor, OK voice acting, OK characters but they do rude & evil things and pointless plots. I recommend you should watch Freak Show than watching this.
    steveaherne2000 Witty,erudite,scathing and very very funny. Anyone who has seen Idiocracy,Office Space or King Of The Hill will know Mike Judge as a satirical iconoclast of the highest stripe.In this,his new series he once again hits societal taboos square on, scoring bull's eyes everwhere he aims!The Goode family are a painfully earnest PC family striving to accommodate every "right on" trend that rears its pompous head in modern America. From the side splittingly creepy father/daughter abstinence mock marriage plot line to the harpy like eco-moms backbiting in the local one world market to 'Che' the long suffering forced vegan of the family(it's the dog!)Judge once again shows that he is one of the most underrated of comic writers working today,All of the Judge trademark touches are here as well as the real beating heart of all his work namely the realism(broadly speaking)of his characters,sure the family are precious and trendy wannabe hipsters but Judge invests them with real warmth and treats them with the same sympathy and understanding that made Hank Hill and the rest of the Arlen citizens so accessible and likable.Like KOTH the characters in this show are all grounded in the real world(unlike almost every other cartoon series out there)and as a result the situations the family finds itself embroiled in are all too familiar and all the funnier for it. Style wise the animation is close to KOTH and is all the better for it,the pilot shows great promise and i have my fingers crossed that the summer debut and the Wednesday night slot do not portend an early demise for this show that already has so much potential.UPDATE:6/12/09 Well it seems i was unfortunately prescient when i mentioned the possibility that the networks would not give this show a decent runout and it seems they have shifted the show to a Friday night and the start time to a half hour earlier,one can only hope this is not the beginning of the end for this very tasty show,only time will tell. I urge everyone to put the word out about this show or its gonna be this years Stroker and Hoop!