The Gemma Factor
The Gemma Factor
| 09 March 2010 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Hottoceame The Age of Commercialism
    CommentsXp Best movie ever!
    Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
    Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
    andi-663-827738 The writing in this series made me laugh and smile, and at times gave me the wonderful cringe factor that made the characters so realistic. The entertainment industry can indeed be as subversive and opportunistic as the comedy demonstrates but its reliance on the characters is where this shines. There is a warmth to them, and the cast manages to gain a level of sympathy with the viewer. The writing in this is on almost indeed on a par with Gavin and Stacey. I imagine that the humour is a little too much for some people. Yet its execution and timing are a masterpiece of TV.10/10, and hopefully some more episodes...
    Nigel What a shame, I was looking forward to this program as it is filmed in the area where I live. Wish I hadn't bothered, to say it sucks would be a great underestimation. The characters are poor, and the script is even worse, talk about telegraphed comedy, this is so in your face it's unbelievable. The main character is a pastiche of everything that's annoying in current TV. Her gay friend is not just gay, he's annoyingly gay and if I were of that sexuality I would be very very angry at being portrayed in such a way. There's a police 'man'? who's portrayed as very child like and a café owner with OCD. Please, please please NO MORE. To my mind even the rubbish that is produced in the US is streets ahead. The 1 point I did give for this is not for the show it's for the scenery.
    rdvaark Apparently you can't give negative reviews, this saddens me almost as much as this waste of my money. Yes, I'm going to moan about the licence fee being wasted on a broad strokes cliché that lacks any sense of charm, humour or, well, any redeeming quality.BBC 3 can give good shows to us (Being Human) but all to often it lumbers us with risible dross like the Gemma Factor or Coming of Age which are so ridiculously poor and puerile they make that Carry On films of the 60s and 70s seem like high art. Well, to be fair to the Carry On films they were funny, they had an innuendo mixed with a naive charm. The current out putting of comedy on BBC lacks any of that except the innuendo.I could go on but I need to scrub my eyes and ears and memory of this visual faeces. I really hope it dies a death and doesn't tarnish our screens again.