The Gathering
The Gathering
| 13 October 2007 (USA)

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    KnotMissPriceless Why so much hype?
    GamerTab That was an excellent one.
    SunnyHello Nice effects though.
    Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
    yunusemretaskin-94148 Ok so i dont really write reviews for movies or series but when i saw "this" on tv, i was like wtf is this? Worst thing i have ever seen in my life. i should rate 1 star on imbd" so guys even watching 1 minute of this is waste of time. time is precious, dont waste yours ;)
    ebbe-ebbe I didn't really like this movie, although this genre appeals to me... It missed a few necessary ingredients to keep me going:First of all, although it took the movie 1 hour or so to actually give me a background and a feel, I still didn't get into the characters. Which is a pity, 'cause I actually feel like there could be something there worth telling! It feels like a book I should have read. Second of all, why does everybody shake their heads all witchy when they start doing witchy stuff? It's the same every time, throughout the movie, and it gets boring. I was hoping for some intensification in witchcraft, but the movie gave it all away the first time. Third, I thought it was a pity that the beautiful moments (like flying away, being a raven) weren't displayed as being beautiful. The whole movie is darkish and there's no acceleration of any kind and there's no moment in which you're allowed to actually breath and enjoy yourself... So there's no contrast. Which makes it much of the same.So, although I'm into this theme, it didn't do much for me. I wasn't scared. I wasn't intrigued. Nice movie shots, nice image, color, etc... But that doesn't make up for the things it lacked, not to me.I liked Sue's character... You actually get to know Sue... But then the story doesn't really end. And I go to bed, wanting to know where Sue is...Maybe they were planning on making a sequel???
    ronhman I wish to say that I found this mini-series definitely far better than the other reviewers and am not sure what they were basing their opinions on since the two reviews that I read even stated that they only saw the first part and not the second part of this mini-series, although to be fair, one did say they saw the second part but at 4x the speed running it through so fast that how would they know enough to review. Anyways, without giving anything away, I feel I did not waste my time watching both parts one & two of "The Gathering". It did have some plot holes and some weak spots but in general and over-all I felt this to be worth far more than the reviews I read here. I read the critics reviews of "The Gathering". They gave it a much more honest interpretation and that was what I based my decision to watch it on. I am very glad I did. It doesn't really get going until part 2 but part 1 is necessary to give the background and build the atmosphere. So in summary, if you have made it through part 1, part 2 will make it all worthwhile.
    ssa2204 Summary pretty much sums this movie up. Now keep in mind I have at the time of this writing only seen the first part. The reason the is that what I have seen so far does not justify my time to watch the remaining 2 hours. In this first film at about 115 minutes in, I was watching a part of the movie that should have started 40 minutes earlier at the latest. So I ask myself, why did I have to sit through really what was an hour of nothing just to get to this point. Of all the stories, this certainly was not mini-series material.As for the acting, don't expect an improvement here. Some seem to have simply sleepwalked through the film. Often it is people just merely reading lines with very weak attempts at emotion or feeling to the words. In other words, I got the sense that the actors realized how this movie was going to be, and saw no point in spending much time actually acting.The end result is a movie you can't care about, characters that are half awake, and a plot that has been stretched to unbelievable length. This is after all a 90 minute movie drawn out to 240 minutes. Well, do the math and you can easily figure how boring this movie will be to watch.