The Future Is Wild
The Future Is Wild
| 02 April 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
    RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
    Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
    Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
    jurassicsean This is an interesting program. I've never seen anything quite like it, but I like it. The best thing about this program is that it provides a look into the future of our planet in a way that is both creative and realistic. The show and featured scientists give reasonable scientific explanations for all of the weird fictional creatures that appear, and their abilities. It honestly makes me sad that I will never get to see if this show was right or not. However, this program is not perfect. There are some things I do not like. First of all, the creature animations are constantly reused over and over, and it becomes annoying. Also, the CGI doesn't always blend well with the photo-realistic environments, making it look fake. Despite that, this is very unique and interesting fake documentary, that not enough people have seen and need to see. It provides an intriguing look into what our planet may look like from 5-200 million years from now. I highly recommend it.
    haterofcrap This was an okay series, with very good CGI and a interesting premise, but that's all.It is about the animals of the future, that for some reason, look like they were aliens, or the aliens of Planet Pandora in "Avatar".The CGI was incredible, but I liked more "Alien Planet", because I love anything related with aliens and lifeforms of different places in the universe.However, this wasn't bad, actually it was pretty interesting and had some amusing moments.This show was okay. It was better than "Walking with Dinosaurs", but not so good as "Alien Planet".
    Torgo_Approves (r#89)This is not a very bad show and it is very interesting to see how these scientists and CGI artists have imagined what the world may look like millions of years from now. But when you compare this to its utterly brilliant predecessor "Walking With Dinosaurs", it becomes obvious that for what it is, "Wild" is a flawed series.The biggest flaw is that it's repetitive. I love to marvel at the awesome creatures the imaginative minds behind the show have thought up. But when some geeky guy with a ridiculous beard spends several minutes explaining the anatomy of the animal, and when the same scenes are shown repeatedly to demonstrate what the animal is capable of ... it becomes boring.Still this is a rather good show and it features some very cool creatures, such as the lizard that walked upright and caught flies in its neckshields (is that a word??) and the (literally) flying fish. As long as a gigantic CGI monsters roam across the screen instead of some dude with an obviously fake beard, this is fun to watch if not necessarily wild.
    kainhorward If you have ever read any of Dugal Dixon's "speculative zoology" books, you'll love this show(and if you haven't, you should). The series has the same basic theme as his book After Man; what will animals be like far in the future? The series looks at three time periods, each in which life is given a different challenge. 5 million years from now, and the Earth is in the grip of a new ice age. 100 million years from now, and it's the opposite, the whole world is very hot and wet. My favorite part is 200 million years from now, in which a mass extinction has wiped out all familiar forms of life. I don't want to give away too much about the creatures that inhabit these future worlds. Go see it for yourself, because If this show is in any way correct in its speculation, the future is truly going to be wild!