The Feathered Serpent
The Feathered Serpent
| 21 June 1976 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    EarDelightBase Waste of Money.
    AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
    Micitype Pretty Good
    Married Baby Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
    Ken Silaton I too remember this series featuring Patrick Troughton as an evil priest.However the most memorable scene (at least from a nearly 30 year perspective) is the opening of the 2nd series. Troughton's character is revived from the dead by a crazed medicine woman who has a strange doll as a sort of totem cum 'familiar' ... except of course that the 'doll' is the mummified remains of a child.Truly horrific, and shown, if memory serves, at around 5 o'clock on Monday afternoons.This should be released on DVD if their was any justice.
    binghunt I remember the scary chanting opening music with burning Aztec skulls etc. There was also a sort of whispered soundtrack notably behind Patrick Troughton's evil character Nasca (Whispered: "Nasca, Nascaaaa " etc. I also remember an episode in which the hero (Brian Deacon I think) is about to be burnt but he knows the exact time of the next solar eclipse and pretends that his magic has made the sky go black. Vague memories but boy would I love to see it again ! Anyone know if DVD is a possibility ? It's another of those adult kid shows like Children Of The Stones. The great thing about the was that it was a sort of horror type series for kids plus we learnt something about the ancient South American cultures.
    aachen-1 I remember watching this British series for children, "The Feathered Serpent" when I was about 9 years old or so. I was very fascinated by it because I had just read in a children's book about world history about the Aztecs, and they captured my imagination, especially their worship of gods. I remember, from the series, the prince and the other boy, and how they had to find their way through a maze inside a temple. I also remember the young queen being trapped inside a room that was filled with screams, and the boys came to her rescue. Yes, I remember quite a bit, now I come to think of it. I also remember the scene towards the end when the evil priest becomes insane and declares that he is the dark god. I remember there were a great many childrens' historical TV series on at that time, but that was the only one that really captured my imagination... There is not much information about it on the Web.Peace! Robert