The Ellen Show
The Ellen Show
| 24 September 2001 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
    Micitype Pretty Good
    SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    JohnnyOldSoul "The Ellen Show" was hilarious, with a fun cast, good chemistry amongst the regulars, and situations that could only happen to Ellen.CBS, as you've already read in the other comments, made little effort to promote this show, just sticking it in different spots thinking that it would magically find an audience. I'm a huge Ellen fan but could never find this show to watch! Fortunately I've now seen nearly every episode thanks to a mate in the UK and it really saddens me that this wonderful sitcom was never given its due. But, with Ellen's talk show doing so well and the DVDs of her earlier sitcom, Ellen, selling so well, perhaps "The Ellen Show" will one day see the light of day again!
    swise3 If you could manage to catch the Ellen Show on TV it was really funny. Ellen always makes us laugh and Cloris Leachman is still a hoot decades after Mary Tyler Moore.The reason this show failed is because A) the networks never promoted it and B) they could never decide on a day and time to broadcast it.It was so damn annoying to try and figure out what day and time it was on! All my friends and family love Ellen and WANTED to watch this show but someone much more powerful obviously had other ideas. Sometimes it was aired twice a week on different days at different times and then it would disappear for a few weeks and magically reappear for 30 minutes and then just fade away again. If I were Ellen I'd be pretty darn angry about how my talent was treated...I hope this comes out on DVD soon. I know several buyers. I noticed on Ebay that someone in England is selling all 18 eps on video. But I don't want video. Of course, what I really want is to know if her Mom really did have a cat... :)
    Schmee This was a great show, and no matter how much I tried to get people to watch it, I guess my grass roots campaign wasn't quite enough. Canceled. I think that the network really missed the boat on this one. Ellen Degeneres is hands down one of the funniest people alive, and if CBS had promoted this show it would have been a huge success.What ever happened to giving shows a chance to obtain an audience? Remember that Seinfeld had no audience when it started! Plus, what's with moving the shows around? Even when somebody likes a show they never know when it might be on (I couldn't find the show Norm if my life had depended on it... even with a TVGuide).The networks have decided to pump up the worthless <garbage> so much to get people to watch them and then they leave good shows to fend for themselves. Something has got to change, or the network shows are going to continue spiraling downward.
    Moonlighting Everyone should've gave this show a chance. I think if the networks kept it on for another season it might've took off. When 'Ellen' ended it was because in her last season she focused far too much about her opinions and of being a lesbian than anything else. Now there's hardly a mention, people probably wanted a tiny bit more of it, after all 4 years (from the time 'Ellen was cancelled) means things have changed, Will and Grace is out and everyone wants more of that humour. The networks probably cancelled it because the show was trying to become a Mary Tyler Moore reunion show, it was ok Mary playing her aunt, and Cloris her mum, but Betty White and Ed Asner, I think the show would've went right through Mary Tyler Moores cast list. But still, this show was very funny with a good cast, the next time ellen gets a show, keep it!