The Colony
The Colony
| 21 July 2009 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Wordiezett So much average
    Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
    Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
    Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
    kristen-31-913668 I love this show - finally quality TV worth watching! I always learn so much watching and I love how each episode has different solutions to the same basic needs. I wish there were tons more to watch. Why doesn't anyone I ever tell about this show know it exists?! This should be on TV especially with all that is going on in this country and how many p r e p p e r s we have who would also love and appreciate this show.I don't know why I need to write 10 lines of text. I said everything I needed to say already. I love this show - finally quality TV worth watching! I always learn so much watching and I love how each episode has different solutions to the same basic needs. I wish there were tons more to watch. Why doesn't anyone I ever tell about this show know it exists?! This should be on TV especially with all that is going on in this country and how many p r e p p e r s we have who would also love and appreciate this show.
    yellowmaison The show "The Colony" tries to hard to be a convincing show that causes suspense to the viewer. The show is completely unrealistic, in a lot of ways. For example, it would not be that convenient and easy to find people that have a specific career that can help the group in a big way as the show portrays. In "The Colony" it's never to difficult to find materials to aid in the characters survival. Seriously, each of the characters find objects to help filter water very easily, and they find a crate of brand new electric power tools. As a person that watches countless TV shows about survival and plays plenty of games with actual survival tips, this show is a disgrace. I purposely hate this show and give it 1 star because I can't put 0 stars.
    Timothy Bowen I enjoyed this series a lot! It was like watching a movie such as "The Road" or "Book of Eli" without the rest of the BS, just lets see how things REALLY went day to day and how creative people can or can't be when faced with hard situations. I so enjoyed feeling a part of this journey, privileged to watch and learn from the trials the cast went through. Every item built to help them on their journey was amazing and I only hope if I was faced with the same issues I could help even half as much. I recommend this series to anyone who is interested in surviving a post apocalyptic world, there are many things and points made that might just make the difference in your living or dying, pay attention! ;)
    hijraalbadr OK, so I'm just going to make this short: The premise is that it's essentially a live action role play scenario.That said, I think that what most of the reviews have missed so far is that the whole point of this show is to demonstrate a series of actual tasks that *might* have to be accomplished by survivors of an apocalyptic scenario. Yes, some of their successes are a bit far fetched, but to be real, that doesn't make for an entirely compelling narrative. We're not talking about Survivor, we're not talking about realism here. What we're experiencing is a social experiment of a variety.The first season was more believably populated by people who I would trust in a survival situation, definitely. The second season is markedly less about actually skilled members of the team/colony and more about the psychological make up of a surviving group. Both seasons are compelling because they address many of the questions inherent to survival/post-apocalyptic films and fiction. Would a ragtag group be able to pull it together enough to make it through day-to-day? Would they be able to use enough common sense and basic knowledge to complete complicated and confusing tasks? Could they, ultimately, rely on one another for survival?Would it be interesting to have it crewed/cast entirely by people who would be useful in a survival scenario: of course. Would it be likely or even realistic for that to be the case: Of course not.As for staged scenarios, I really can't argue much on that, except to say it makes sense to have tasks be staged as well as to have the raiders and non-colony members be actors and have their reactions staged. That's part of the whole experiment, to demonstrate what's actually going to happen to social reasoning and our understanding of cultural imperatives. I guess, to once again sum up, I'd say this: If you're looking for something that is compelling and true to life, set up your own colony with your own friends and see how it goes. If you want to see something that's as informative as entertaining, just watch the show and understand you're not watching Survivorman, you're not even watching Man vs. Wild.