The Cindy Margolis Show
The Cindy Margolis Show
| 01 August 2000 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
    AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
    Neive Bellamy Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
    Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
    HaN-hAn People expect too much from TV today. The other review on this show is a point in case. You're not going to tune into the Cindy Margolis show to find the meaning of life, spiritual guidance, or grow as a person. It's just pure entertainment! And what is wrong with that? Some people have to use their brains so much at work, we just want to kick back, and relax, and have a laugh and forget about the world. This show is just so funny, so crass, so full of in your face jokes and gyrating, near nude bodies, who can't enjoy it? Get off your intellectual pedestal and come down to earth.
    Mbrand I had watched the Cindy Margolis show which to me had such great production, but the lady herself Ms Margolis is a bad host. She literally just stands there looking at the camera while everybody else are just drooling all over her. You got all sorts of people raging from Hooter chicks to wannabe models.the guest stars were the only ones that made the show as exciting even though none of them can play rock music. I play in a band and if I was on a show like that,We'll be blowing away evryone especially mr. Sqibble.Cindy was a good show while it lasted but it'll be a longtime before she'll ever have her own show again
    Rick Blaine As a European I had no contact with this show or this person and only happened upon it/her by chance. After having been sent one segment on video I think I can safely say that this show/person, as American displays of pseudo-sexuality, is about as lame as can get.Turn off your TV/video and start up a game of bridge instead.
    BrianG Absolutely brainless "variety" show--for lack of a better word--starring a bleached blonde who gained fame as the woman whose picture was downloaded the most on the Internet. "Loaded" is the operative word here, as Ms. Margolis comes across as inarticulate, somewhat slow, and incapable of saying anything that isn't written for her on cue cards or a TelePrompter. She comes across as the embodiment of every dumb blonde joke ever made; whether that is a conscious effort on her part or she actually IS the dumbest blonde ever made is hard to tell. What she is, really, is the Zsa Zsa Gabor of the millennium--she's famous for being famous without actually having to do anything. Her "show" consists mainly of her changing into slinky and revealing outfits every 3 or 4 minutes, and the "entertainment" is provided by an audience of mainly drunken and horny frat boys and narcisstic, scantily clad college girls, professional dancers and strippers. Her sidekicks are a mumbling, tattooed nitwit who spins records and calls himself DJ Skribble, and a mugging, leering, supremely untalented "comic" named Lance who apparently believes himself to be the love child of Jerry Lewis and Jim Carrey. Altogether, a complete waste of time. Margolis' attractiveness, on which the show is based, is totally pneumatic, and while the semi-naked women in the audience and on stage provide some entertainment, it's mostly of the embarrassing kind.