The Chinese Detective
The Chinese Detective
| 30 April 1981 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
    Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
    Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
    Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
    noda1 I vaguely remember this show from growing up but would love to see it now. Was it a groundbreaking show? How was the main character's heritage handled and how did he interact with other characters around him? Is there any way of seeing the show again? If anybody does know it would be great to hear from you. Was the BBC really so ahead of its time with commissioning this show? After all in supposedly more tolerant and equal times there is a severe lack of Asian faces on the screen either on television or film. While it's great to see Asian American actors getting work surely there must be better than 'Balls of Fury'.
    glen_davis I grew up in the area where Chinese Detective was filmed and remember always straining to see David Yip in action, at that time on the Isle of Dogs there were no 'Yuppies' and Canary Wharf was disused Dockland.I remember watching on TV some of my school friends who were lucky enough to be in the background playing football or suchlike as extras.Aside from the nostalgia I remember it being a great show and would love it to be revived on DVD much the same way I would like to see Prospects starring Gary Olsen of 2 Point 4 Children on DVD.This was another show based around docklands during the initial regeneration of the area by the LDDC a few years later.
    tsm-1 The Chinese Detective played by David Yip was a masterful study in understatement. I felt David Yips Performance was Superb even though I kept wanting him to (please forgive the stereotype)do some Kung Fu every time he was up against some villains. He was a real rounded British oriental professional and whats more he was a kick ass cop...The only thing and the reason perhaps that it wasn't renewed was that they (the writer/producer/director etc) didn't give (David Yip) an opportunity to have a harder edge otherwise we could have seen him develop into perhaps a more edgier (Kung Fu kickin'...oh I'm sorry there I go again)...Detective. It would be fantastic if they made a follow up or a sequel to the series (though they wouldn't call it the Chinese Detective perhaps something that hints at the central character being oriental and please make sure he gets to do some friggin Kung Fu or Muay thai or even a bit of Marquis of Queensbury!). In the Meantime release the old series on DVD...what are you waiting for do you know how many people Oriental, Caucasian or Afro Caribbean or otherwise that would wanna watch this seminal obviously you don't...well wake up and make some money from your back catalogue...and please stick David Yip in the follow up or sequel series.