The Astronaut Wives Club
The Astronaut Wives Club
TV-PG | 18 June 2015 (USA)

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  • Reviews
    Protraph Lack of good storyline.
    GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
    GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
    Curt Watching it is like watching the spectacle of a class clown at their best: you laugh at their jokes, instigate their defiance, and "ooooh" when they get in trouble.
    mayralo I am in love with this show. I started catching up on HULU and can't wait to watch it on TV now that I am caught up. Each family has their own stuff they are dealing with and it makes the show amazing. The wives and husbands are amazing and it is my favorite show. I highly recommend it! At first of course it starts off with questions that the viewer may have, I know I didn't understand some things but of course this show doesn't disappoint! It goes on and tells you the secrets and later on you see marriages building stronger together and supporting each others careers. It's also amazing to see how each wife has their ambition and how it is during this era and what wives were expected to do and how their husbands and society react to them making a name for themselves.
    mandy1922 Before writing reviews some should remember what they are watching the very title of the show tells you this will not be about the astronauts as they have had plenty of time in the spot light, this is about there wives so one should keep that in mind before adding their opinion. In my opinion the show captures the time well and the characters are lovable and believable the best part of shows like this is that they are true and relatable for the audience. It will capture your attention and take you right back to that time the best and worst of it all, whether its strong women like Trudy Cooper (Odette Annable) fighting for equal rights or the relationship between the Sheppard's that shows how difficult it was for a women to stand up for herself back then! regardless of it being true and knowing what already happened its got you on the edge of your seat!
    gilligan1965 This is like watching a TV show version of the movie "The Right Stuff" (1983), but, from the astronauts' wives' points of view.Granted, it's not as exciting as the 1983 movie, and, it's somewhat soap-opera-ish and geared for women (I'm sure I'll take flak for writing that); but, because of the subject, "The Original Seven Mercury Astronauts," I find this to be very informational and quite, the actresses are very pleasant to look at! :)I almost didn't even watch this until I was advised to because I thought it was going to be 'made-up,' cheap, and, trivial. Then, when I realized whom it was about, I became very interested very quickly...the wives of John Glenn; Alan Shepard; Virgil "Gus" Grissom; Scott Carpenter; Wally Schirra; Donald "Deke" Slayton; and, Gordon Cooper. It doesn't get much better than that for a space-fanatic like me who followed the space program as a child.I just watched the first three episodes of this, and, I really like it. It's very clear about the rivalries between the astronauts' wives, and, of those between the astronauts themselves. However, for a guy, it's not as exciting as if it were told from the points of view of the astronauts themselves and showed all of the simulations, test flights, rockets, and, equipment (like in "The Right Stuff" and "Apollo 13"); but, it's still very informational, enjoyable, and, interesting...I like it.I'm dreading the episode that shows the pre-launch test of the Apollo 1 mission.*NOTE - August 31, 2015 update - I just saw the episode I was dreading... about the pre-launch of Apollo 1 that killed "Gus" Grissom; Ed White, and, Roger Chaffee; and, it was terrible! However, after seeing what came of it in the investigation (BLAMING GRISSOM FOR THE FIRE) I was even more appalled!Then, soon after, minorities were demonstrating and yelling "WHITEY ON THE MOON!""HEY...BLACKEY ON THE EARTH!" Everyone was created EQUAL when God created the Earth and gave us 'ALL' sticks and stones, and, free-will. "WHITEY" chose to invent the wheel and other things and you blame 'Whitey' for those achievements, advancements, and, for walking on the moon!?!? WHY? Why does it always come down to your reverse-racism?THIS SERIES WENT ON MUCH TOO QUICKLY!THERE WERE ANOTHER 'WAVE' OF ASTRONAUTS!This series only briefly mentions Apollos 8 and 11; and, especially, Apollo 13...that suffered the explosion that almost killed three other astronauts and lost them in space - Jim Lovell; Fred Haise, and, Jack Swigert; and, let's NEVER FORGET THE HERO who was disqualified from this launch, but, helped to save it - Ken Mattingly!?!? Watch the Ron Howard directed-Tom Hanks movie about this, "Apollo 13."This series should and could go on 'much slower' and 'much longer! THERE WERE OTHER ASTRONAUTS AFTER THIS - HENCE, another ASTRONAUT WIVES CLUB!!WAY after this, and, it could have put an end to that earlier racial crap about "WHITEY ON THE MOON!" This time they'd have yelled "WHITEY AND BLACKEY ON THE MOON - Americans ON THE MOON!"This series should continue! :)
    tarekesaw Although in the beginning the pilot the show admittedly struggles to introduce each character of the ensemble cast, it only needs a few episodes to truly establish each in their own right. Other than that, the show masterfully weaves in the drama of personal struggle to find identity, a life left behind, remaining faithful throughout the struggles of fame and what that fame can do to a marriage, and the Cold War fever sickening the United States at the time. All the while carrying the theme of support and hope for the future. I will personally be tuning in to every episode of this show to see how the wives are doing.