The Anna Nicole Show
The Anna Nicole Show
| 04 August 2002 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Konterr Brilliant and touching
    Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
    Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
    Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
    davidphilbarbara With all her money, why in the world didn't Anna Nicole think to buy that toothless cousin of hers some teeth? Even when she gave her a makeover she didn't think of that! Also maybe her dog would not have tried to have sex with stuffed toys if it had been fixed! But anyone think if that? NO! Movie stars make me sick, they could help so many people and do so much good with their money, yet most of them can think of nothing to use it for except for drugs, booze, and partying! Shame on them! Yet I do feel a great deal of pity for Anna Nicole, she thought fame and fortune would bring her happiness,and she had to learn the hard way that they do not. It was for people like her that Jesus Christ died for.
    jthomas-63 Most people have commented on Anna Nichol's intelligence and her weight, but what I don't understand is, most of these people probably aren't making the money she is. She couldn't be that dumb. How much do you guy's make every year? Does each one of you have perfect bodies? Could any one of you make as much money as she does without even being "dumb" or "overweight"? If she has these two problems and still can be successful, then who's really stupid. Give her a break...she made a comeback and there's enough money in the world to go around. I believe the point of her show was to make people interested enough to watch, which you all did. That, my dear friends, was the reason they aired the show and you all fell for it. Everything is a reality show now, whether good or bad. I'm sure no one held a gun to your head and made you watch it. The fact that you decided to watch her show is on you. She's making more money than you'll ever see in your lifetime.....sweeeeeeeeeeeet.
    Dimitri Bladaklov I personally am not a big fan of "reality TV." Especially cultural Godzillas such as "Big Brother" which I have an extreme disliking of, (people bleat on and on about it in the UK.) However, I happened to catch part of this show and I was thoroughly entertained...for all the unintended reasons. I was astounded by the characters and wondered if this was some sort of ironic parody, i.e Anna Nicole is just a REALLY good actor. This, in my opinion is television of the lowest calibre, it is trashy, lewd and hilarious. I'm unsure as to whether it will become a national topic when it is broadcasted terrestrially because there definitely is a LOT to talk about. From Anna's lawyer to her annoyingly camp house designer (easily the fakest of all the characters in the show) it will provide entertainment. Anna Nicole herself doesn't paint a particularly flattering portrait of herself, proclaiming that "the only thing i like more than men is money" and getting her unwilling 15 year-old son to appear in the show. Watch one episode and either be disgusted, entertained or both. However, ironically good as this is, please let us put a stop to these reality tv programmes such as "Pop Idol" , "Big Brother" or any more celebrities deciding that it would be a great idea to have a reality Tv show because frankly that are just evil.
    tiekbane After watching this show, I feel yucky. Anna Nicole Smith is one of the most repellent 'personalities' to ooze across the TV screen in this generation. I use the term 'personality' liberally. She, nor her entourage possess even a modicum of insight, tenderness, humor or drama. A typical day in the life of Anna Nicole (and by proxy, a typical show) consists of people eating (sometimes in contests) , decorating her house, watching TV, shopping, driving around, going to the bathroom, throwing temper tantrums, sneering in a barely coherent girlish voice that sounds like she's perpetually drunk and consorting with various freaks and lowlifes. Sounds like anybodies boring life (save for the freaks and lowlifes perhaps...) but the producers of this show seem to think because Anna Nicole is super rich, it makes for an interesting TV show. Actually, it looks like the producers realized they had a problem so to enliven things, they occasionally dress her up in skin tight clothes that accentuates her rotund (and growing) physique, especially her rhino-sized butt. She eats so much food on this show that the viewer can actually see her putting on weight over the course of a few episodes.Watch one episode. Anything more is gluttony.