The Amazing Spider-Man
The Amazing Spider-Man
| 05 April 1978 (USA)
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  • Reviews
    Skunkyrate Gripping story with well-crafted characters
    Pluskylang Great Film overall
    Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
    Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
    Rectangular_businessman I only saw the pilot episode of this drivel, but that was enough for me. This awful series seemed to be made by people who never read a Spiderman comic or just didn't care at all about that character.This lacked of every single one of the virtues that made "Spiderman" a popular comic in first place. It didn't have anything to do with the story in which it was supposedly inspired. Instead of that, it was something completely different (And not good at all, for that matter) which just shoehorned the superhero for a few couple of scenes. Several viewers complained about the liberties that Sam Raimi took about the original comic when he made his movie version of "Spiderman", but all those liberties are nothing compared with the absolute nonsense that this series was.As something independent to the comics, this is merely bad (With extremely poor production values and a boring storyline) but as an adaptation is just plain terrible. This series is just one big bad joke that is best forgotten.0/10 (I would give this a negative score if I could)
    dee.reid Along with "Wonder Woman" and "The Incredible Hulk," "The Amazing Spider-Man" was the only other live-action superhero TV series to make a splash during the 1970s. It's really pointless to describe the plot since if you know the Marvel Comics comic book series that inspired Spider-Man, then you already know the story, with Nicholas Hammond as Peter Parker/Spider-Man. This series always had great death-defying stunts, which were great for the time it was made, when everything had to be done using live, flesh & blood human beings and not a computer. Many other iterations of Spider-Man would follow in the later decades after "The Amazing Spider-Man's" debut on television, most notably three animated series and two live-action movie series. Sam Raimi's "Spider-Man" movie series - with Tobey Maguire as Peter Parker/Spider-Man - was my favorite incarnation of the character ever, with "Spider-Man 2" (2004) as my favorite superhero movie and my #2 favorite movie of all time. Spider-Man is my all-time favorite superhero. This show was just another reason why.10/10 Though, short lived "The Amazing Spider-Man" was one of the best made for TV versions of a famed comic book hero. Only "Wonder Woman" (Lynda Carter) (the best of the genre and "The Incredible Hulk" (Bill Bixby, Lou Ferrigno) were better."The Amazing Spider-Man" outclasses the 1966-1968 "Batman", because the high camp elements of the latter often ruin the adventure. "Spider-Man" outclasses all three television interpretations of "Superman"- "Lois and Clark", "Smallville", and of course the George Reeves "Superman" which brings up the rear."The Amazing Spider-Man" was an action drama, during the late 1970's, the pre-CGI era, when stunts had to be performed by stunt men, not in the database of a computer. "Spider-Man" had its own very talented stuntman to perform the death defying daredevil acrobatics. His name was Fred Waugh, who donned the spidy suit for the action sequences. Nicholas Hammond, better known as one of Julie Andrew's children on the all-time movie classic "The Sound of Music" was Spider-Man during the dialogue scenes. Hammond's Spider-Man also had his own secret identity as Peter Parker, similar to Christopher Reeve- Superman/ Clark Kent, Adam West-Batman/Bruce Wayne, and of course Lynda Carter as Wonder Woman/ Diana Prince.It's unfortunate that the series only had thirteen episodes. Because when the first episode hit the airwaves in November of 1977, the entire country was watching it on CBS that Wednesday night. In all fairness, CBS should release this pilot episode as well as "The Deadly Dust", the "Captive Tower" etc. on DVD shortly. "Spider-Man" was short lived, but did have a cult following, and in my opinion was a heck of a lot better than the movie interpretation of the famed comic book hero starring Toby McGuire.CBS might be hesitant to release these episodes for two reasons. (A) There might not be a broad market for them based on the lack of longevity of the series and a generation of children and young people who weren't born when the series originally aired in the 1970's. (B) One of the early "Spider-Man" episodes dealt with a terrorist with designs on the World Trade Center, which was attacked twice many years after this show went off the air, in 1993, and of course the devastating attack against this country on 9/11/01 in which the towers were destroyed and many innocent lives were lost.However I don't think that it would be in bad taste to release this "Spider-Man" episode even if the show was adventure, derived from a comic book, and camp in nature. The live action "Amazing Spider-Man" doesn't have a large following but it has a cult following. If and when CBS releases it out on DVD this cult following could be explained along with the episode in which Spiderman saved the towers in 1978, but how in September of 2001 real life proved to be different from the movies. I like to follow the news, but I also like Science Fiction/Fantasy. Therefore I am eagerly awaiting the release of "The Amazing Spider-Man on DVD".
    betorlando35 Does anyone know the status of a potential DVD release of Spiderman with Nicholas Hammond. It seems like everyone has forgotten about this series. Granted the F/X were not like they are now and it was played as camp. I know that a lot of Spiderman fans think of this series as a bad stepchild. I disagree, just part of the Spiderman legacy. I wish that whoever has the rights to release this on DVD will do this. I hope it is not another rights issue like the Superboy series. While we are at it. Sam Raimi if you are out there, contact Nicholas for a cameo in Spiderman 3. To some of us who grew up with Nicholas as Spiderman, it would be a treat. Bring Spidey back.